At Thu, 10 Oct 2002 16:20:31 +0200,
Helmut Obertanner wrote:
> How can i tell my soundcard to play 1 stereochannel on Frontspeakers
> and another stereochannel on rearspeakers ??

what sound card?  i cannot tell you otherwise ;)

> I can set my soundcard to 4 channelmode -> o.k.
> I write samples in the following order to the soundbuffer:
> but i get L-FRONT and R-FRONT on rear output too, and LR and RR are lost in 
> space.
> how could i solve this ?

this depends on the card, but in general, you can choose the route via
the pcm name.  for example, on sb live, you can play two stereo-wav
files separately to front and rear speakers like:

        % aplay -Dfront foo.wav
        % aplay -Drear bar.wav

but the chip can mix up the different streams, so the rear signals may
be contaminated from front on a certain mixer set up.


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