Hi all,

is it possible to support multiple mixers in one card?
I have the following situation:
The card consists of a Maestro2E PCI controller with AC97 codec. On the expansion port of the maestro is a SAM9707 device. I'd like separate mixers for the AC97 and the SAM, because the control names can be very confusing otherwise (i.e. Master volume of Codec does not change Master volume of any SAM output).
The card is routed pretty strange: the 2channel codec output is re-sampled and this digital signal is fed into the SAM device for further processing. From it can be output to 2 stereo pairs of outputs (ie 4 mono). But there are also 6 other mono inputs that are routed directly to the SAM device, and can be HW monitored on the SAM's outputs.

To make things even more complex: the digital stereo signal is multiplexed with an SPDIF input and two other mono inputs. You can choose which one you want (only one).

I'd like the codec mixer separate from the other controls, as this reflects internal structure best. Apart from that, the codec controls are rarely used, because I always use the SAM channels which are better quality.



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