Hi Paul,

At Thu, 07 Aug 2003 09:22:57 -0400,
Paul Davis wrote:
> >Do you get lockups if you use snd-dummy as the lowlevel driver? How about
> >without ardour (just jackd and some example clients running)?
> i'll have to try snd-dummy. and yes, it will happen with just jackd
> alone. 

did you check this already?

> however, it will not happen unless jackd is run with SCHED_FIFO. my
> system has been running for several days now with jackd there the
> whole time. with SCHED_FIFO, i can't get more than about 10-15
> minutes, or so it seemed.
> the worrying thing here is that the problem may go back further in
> time, because until qjackctl came along, my default was to run without
> SCHED_FIFO, whereas with it the "default" is with SCHED_FIFO. this
> means that SCHED_FIFO operation may not have been tested well enough
> for quite a while (on my system, i mean). i do know that in further
> back (months), i've run jackd+ardour with SCHED_FIFO for hours without
> problems on this system.

i became now a bit skeptical whether this is really related with the
new stream-linking codes, since this happens only with SCHED_FIFO.
in theory, the dead stream-link locks can happen at the XRUN status,
which may happen more often with SCHED_OTHERS.

anyway, the attached is a patch to clean up a bit the complicated
spin-lock paths.  this invokes always unlock -> lock instead of
spin_trylock for simplicity.  please give a try.


Attachment: spin-cleanup.dif
Description: Binary data

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