On Thu, 13 May 2004, Chris Cannam wrote:

> I asked about this on the JACK list just now and was recommended to 
> bring the question here instead.  So here we are.
> If I'm running JACK with output to my first (and only) PCM device, and 
> I have a JACK client running that also sets up an ALSA sequencer 
> queue with its timer set to the ALSA PCM 0-0-0 playback timer,  
> should I expect the ALSA queue's current time and the number of 
> frames processed by the JACK client to correspond?
> (Ignoring rounding error and any delays in startup time or 
> measurement: I simply mean that they shouldn't drift.)
> I would expect them to remain in sync, and on both of my machines here 
> they do, but I have a report from someone experiencing a quite 
> considerable drift -- the JACK frame count ends up over a second and 
> a half ahead of the ALSA timer over a ten minute period without 
> xruns.  How could that happen?

Maybe, lost interrupts can cause this. Actually, there is no correction 
in the PCM slave timer code for this situation. Can this problem be 
reproduced using a bigger period size for the JACK daemon?


Jaroslav Kysela <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Linux Kernel Sound Maintainer
ALSA Project, SuSE Labs

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