On Mon, Jun 07, 2004 at 02:45:20PM +0200, Takashi Iwai wrote:
> i guess so, too.  as you can see in the original post, the error
> returned from hw_params callback (sample not available), thus it
> doesn't call trigger(START) callback yet at all.

If we never got past hw_params() then we didn't enable the IO,
and it must be that something else in the system fiddled with
the chip and set it incorrectly.

> unfurtunately i can't tell any more unless i read the driver code.
> where can i find the code?

I never officially released the driver, though it was part of the
old -rmk patches back in the 2.6.0-test era.  Where Roc has got
the source from, and what modifications have been made is anyones

Russell King
 Linux kernel    2.6 ARM Linux   - http://www.arm.linux.org.uk/
 maintainer of:  2.6 PCMCIA      - http://pcmcia.arm.linux.org.uk/
                 2.6 Serial core

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