On Tue, 2004-01-27 at 00:21, Jean-Marc Sarat wrote:
> Hi,
> When I play a DVD with a 5.1 soundtrack, the channels seem to be mixed
> or swapped. Instead of having voices in the front channels I have the
> left and right channels mixed in the rear left channel, no sound in the
> rear right, only music in the fronts channels and nothing in the center.
> I tried several possibilities in the Alsamixer but the only thing I can
> do is to switch front and rear. How can I redirect 5.1 channels to the
> right Alsa channels? I tried .asoundrc with some effects but no good
> results. Is there a documentation explaining how it works, I found some
> infos on the alsa web site but I was not able to understand how it
> really works (.asoundrc).
> Please help.
> Jean-Marc
> My configuration:
>     - ASUS Digimatrix,
>     - Kernel 2.6.2
>     - Alsa 1.01, Intel8x0
>     - Xine or Mplayer

   The order I get with my system (different soundcard, and telling xine
to use plughw:1,0) is:

1) Left Front
2) Right Front
3) Left Rear
4) Right Rear
5) Center
6) LFE

When playing through headphones with the RME card I mix 1/2 & 3/4 as
stereo panned full left and right, and mix 5/6 at center. This sounds
pretty much like my 6 speaker system in front of the TV.

- Mark

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