Hi Stephan Seitz!

 On 2007.12.16 at 17:08:25 +0100, Stephan Seitz wrote next:

>> with too much apps, so better don't use it at all, and better yet, run
>> jack or pulseaudio sound server (latter is more compatible one with
>> general desktop setup, but you'd better be using very recent version of
>> it) and don't use hw/plughw devices directly in other apps.
> I tried Pulseaudio server 0.9.5 (Debian Lenny) configuring it with 

Like I said, you shouldn't use such old version of pulseaudio. The first
actually usable for general desktop setup is heavily patched 0.9.7, as
it appeared in fedora 8; now 0.9.8 is available and includes all fixes
in main tree.

> „load-module module-alsa-sink device=plughw:0,1 sink_name=output” and 

This is fine but not really required since pulseaudio should detect and
use correct audio device by itself. Or at least you can switch it
manually after startup with pavucontrol.

> If someone can tell me how to configure Pulseaudio I will try it.

Install recent version and all the useful utilites and you'll be fine.
Also it's a good idea to lock sampling frequency to 48k or 96k and
increase resampling quality (resample-method = src-sinc-medium-quality),
though some people may prefer no resampling at all (however things will
become worse when mixing is at work then).



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