> Whether this works will depend on your hardware.  Some devices support
> capturing the audio output, some don't.

Well, I swapped it around so that the onboard sound was card 0 and it works 
that way.  But the quality of what gets recorded is bad, actually hideous is 
more appropriate.  From studio quality to sounding like there's a waterfall in 
close proximity.  After normalizing to bring it to audible levels.  Not quite 
what I want.  Perhaps there's some other way to get flash audio extracted that 
isn't as hideous.

arecord -D hw:0,0 -t wav -f dat tempfile.wav

Works but hideous.  As I notice a button for downloading an .mp3 of the clip in 
the flash.  Which doesn't seem to work in linux.  As thoughts of booting vista 
makes my skin crawl...


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