On Sat, Feb 12, 2011 at 16:26, James Shatto <wwwshad...@gmail.com> wrote:

> As I suspected, the modules aren't loaded so alsa isn't even running.
> Hence your original "open" error(s).
> How did you install alsa?  Not that I think it is your issue, but it
> could be.  If you boot with lilo, you need to re-install lilo after
> creating a new kernel.  Even if it's technically the same version of
> your old kernel.  Although most distros default to grub these days.
> So not likely.
> If you compiled from source at least for some modules, you'll need to
> reboot to use the new kernel and the new modules.  Not really
> applicable to sound as you probably didn't change any PCIe or other
> internals to gain the functionality.
> In the old days if you compiled from source you could insmod
> (modprobe) the modules in alsa-driver-???/modules/ until you got the
> right order and all of the modules loaded.  This is representative of
> the errors that you're seeing.  You can't load a certain module
> because another module wasn't loaded before it.  That has those
> symbols (functions) that it needs.  Which brings things full circle to
> alsa isn't properly installed.

Well, I installed alsa by running
$ sudo apt-get install alsa

And technically it was there in the beginning. I could access alsamixer and
adjust everything. Now I can't. I was trying to install microphone, so I
probably reinstalled alsa and for some reason it doesn't work now :(
I don't really know about those advanced methods. I'm new to this whole
stuff :(

> $ sudo dpkg -l '*alsa*'
> Only pay attention to the ones that start alsa or alsa-.  On my debian
> setup (similar to ubuntu) I have alsa, alsa-base,
> alsa-firmware-loaders, alsa-headers, alsa-source, alsa-tools,
> alsa-tools-gui, and alsa-utils.  On my system all of those are
> installed, except alsa-firmware-loaders, alsa-headers (needed to
> compile other things from source against it), and alsa-tools-gui.  IMO
> you are probably missing alsa-base.  This should have entries in
> /etc/modprobe.d/alsa* for autoloading your modules (without concerning
> yourself about the order of insertion).  It could also be that you
> haven't run depmod -a, or your distro didn't.  Which updates a sort of
> list of what modules are related so they can also load when the other
> is loaded.  IME, alsa is independent of this list and relies on other
> things (/etc/modprobe.d/).

$ sudo dpkg -l '*alsa*'
|/ Err?=(none)/Reinst-required (Status,Err: uppercase=bad)
||/ Name                                 Version
un  alsa                                 <none>
  (no description available)
ii  alsa-base                            1.0.23+dfsg-1ubuntu4
  ALSA driver configuration files
ii  alsa-firmware-loaders                1.0.23-3ubuntu1
 ALSA software loaders for specific hardware
ii  alsa-oss                             1.0.17-4
  ALSA wrapper for OSS applications
ii  alsa-source                          1.0.23+dfsg-1ubuntu4
  ALSA driver sources
ii  alsa-tools                           1.0.23-3ubuntu1
 Console based ALSA utilities for specific hardware
ii  alsa-tools-gui                       1.0.23-3ubuntu1
 GUI based ALSA utilities for specific hardware
ii  alsa-utils                           1.0.23-2ubuntu3.4
 Utilities for configuring and using ALSA
ii  alsamixergui                         0.9.0rc2-1-9
  graphical soundcard mixer for ALSA soundcard driver
ii  bluez-alsa                           4.69-0ubuntu2
 Bluetooth audio support
ii  gnome-alsamixer                      0.9.7~cvs.20060916.ds.1-2
 ALSA sound mixer for GNOME
ii  gstreamer0.10-alsa                   0.10.30-2
 GStreamer plugin for ALSA
un  libsdl1.2debian-alsa                 <none>
  (no description available)

Looks like there's some problem with alsa :( How to fix this?

If you haven't solved your issue by now, I guess you're stuck with the
> old school ways.  Meaning you'll likely have to create a
> /etc/modprobe.d/ entry for alsa so it can auto load at boot.  Which
> might look something like:

> And 20 years after linux started, we're still configuring sound from
> the command line.  Be sure to reboot OR try to use the soundcard to
> get the modules to auto magically load.  They generally load at boot
> because your distro will likely try to restore mixer settings.  And
> therefor try to use your soundcard.  (which is or was failing for you)

I made this file: /etc/modprobe.d/alsa_custom.conf and copied this into the
file, saved.
Unfortunately after the reboot nothing works :/ I am probably doing
something wrong. Should the name be alse_custon.conf?

Like my previous speaker already told: the modules cannot be loaded because
> other modules are missing. Either you don't have modules installed at all
> (which most certainly means you have a wrong kernel image running) or the
> module loader cannot resolve the dependencies. To check if the module
> directory exists type

$ ls /lib/modules/$(uname -r)
build              modules.builtin.bin  modules.inputmap   modules.softdep
initrd             modules.ccwmap       modules.isapnpmap  modules.symbols
kernel             modules.dep          modules.ofmap
modules.alias      modules.dep.bin      modules.order      modules.usbmap
modules.alias.bin  modules.devname      modules.pcimap     updates
modules.builtin    modules.ieee1394map  modules.seriomap

Looks like it exists.

$ sudo depmod -a
$ sudo modprobe snd-hda-intel
WARNING: Error inserting snd_timer
(/lib/modules/2.6.35-25-generic/kernel/sound/acore/snd-timer.ko): Unknown
symbol in module, or unknown parameter (see dmesg)
WARNING: Error inserting snd_pcm
(/lib/modules/2.6.35-25-generic/kernel/sound/acore/snd-pcm.ko): Unknown
symbol in module, or unknown parameter (see dmesg)
WARNING: Error inserting snd_hwdep
(/lib/modules/2.6.35-25-generic/kernel/sound/acore/snd-hwdep.ko): Unknown
symbol in module, or unknown parameter (see dmesg)
WARNING: Error inserting snd_hda_codec
Unknown symbol in module, or unknown parameter (see dmesg)
FATAL: Error inserting snd_hda_intel
Unknown symbol in module, or unknown parameter (see dmesg)

Looks like module loader is not willing to cooperate :/ Do you know what's
going on?

Thank you all for the replies! Please help!

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