Sekonyong-konyong timbul lobi-melobi oleh Robert
Mugabe supaya Dr Mahathir di anugerah Nobel Prize.  
Sebagai balasan Dr Mahathir mahu menabalkan Robert
Mugabe sebagai Sultan PutraJaya ......... sebagai
Annuar Musa menabalkan Sultan Baru Kelantan di bawah
pokok ketapang.

Mugabe and Mahathir  more than their initials in
Analysis The recent Sunday Telegraph report that
Zimbabwean president Robert Mugabe has channelled some
10 million pounds into Malaysian bank accounts should
come as little surprise to those who had been
following his rapid descent into international
Although the allegations were vehemently denied by
Foreign Minister Syed Hamid Albar, the Telegraph
report was hardly the first linking Mugabes fortunes
to Malaysia. 

Back in January, The Guardian newspaper revealed that
the business interests of Mugabes Zanu PF party was
run by a southern African family originally from
Malaysia. The head of the family is widely believed
to be Shamsudin Abu Hassan, a tycoon on good terms
with Prime Minister Dr Mahathir Mohamad. 

Later, a British Broadcasting Corporation analysis
alluded that Western money laundering and financial
crime experts had been scrutinising accounts holding
some US$65 million, said to be Mugabes assets in

But the Malaysian connection in Zimbabwean affairs has
certainly not come out of the blue. Asias longest
serving ruler and one of Africas longest have been
building close relations these past 20 years. 

The relationship dates back to the early 1980s when
Mugabe became president of Zimbabwe after leading a
victorious war against the countrys white minority
rulers. Mahathir, who came into power in 1981, played
a key role in initiating the newly independent
Zimbabwe into the Commonwealth group of nations. 

Nationalist pleas 

Of late, this relationship has become all the more
significant to the African leader as his unpopular
methods of policy-making coupled with suspicions of
unfair electoral practices, had lost him many friends

Pointedly, Malaysia was one of only four countries 
the rest were Nigeria, Botswana and Bangladesh  to
block Britains move to expel Zimbabwe from the
Commonwealth for the ruling partys alleged role in
sponsoring violence against opposition members. 

In the intervening years, Mahathir and Mugabe found
much in common. The two conservative leaders often
made impassioned pleas to their people to observe more
nationalist attitudes. 

Both were also outspoken critics of what they regarded
as neo-colonial imperialism of Western countries
against the developing world. 

Mahathir, who had frequently lambasted what he
considered Western double standards, is widely known
for his rejection of International Monetary Fund
advice in face of Malaysias economic troubles during
the Asian financial crisis. 

Taking a leaf out of his book, Mugabe attempted to
achieve much the same in 1999 when he dispatched a
group of Zimbabwes top economic and financial
planners to seek Mahathirs advice on how to implement
reforms without IMF support. 

Economic pointers 

It appears that the African leader may have picked up
more than economic pointers from his Malaysian
counterpart judging from curious similarities in his
use of law-making powers. 

Mugabe first encountered stern international criticism
when he embarked on a controversial land reform
programme to redistribute vast farmlands mostly owned
by Zimbabwes white minority, to landless peasants. 

Allegations of corruption soon marred the
nationalisation programme as beneficiaries of the most
valuable lands were found to be cronies of Mugabe from
his Zanu PF party. Other plots were found to be
neglected once they had been repossessed, rather than
redistributed to the landless poor. 

It did not help matters that Mugabes other
well-intentioned policies failed to bear fruit. IMF
funding for his programme of free market reforms
started in 1991 was later suspended because the
reforms got off track. The rapidly declining state of
social services for the black majority, such as health
and education, also resulted in a growth of domestic

To muzzle internal opposition, Mugabe pushed through a
Freedom of Information Bill to restrict press freedom
and a Public Order and Security Act to criminalise
criticism against him. Police were also given powers
to control and disperse public gatherings whenever
they deem it reasonable to do so. 

All this would seem rather familiar to Malaysians. 

Mahathirs New Economic Policy introduced in the 1970s
sought as well to redistribute wealth to the Malay
Malaysian majority. This was compounded by racial
quotas within the civil service, public universities
and government-backed investment schemes. 

He created a Malay Malaysian middle class, including
several billionaires, through government patronage,
but his party Umno has often been accused of
practising money politics. 

Mahathirs grand plan to boost national pride by
constructing projects from the biggest dam to the
tallest towers also ran into deep hitches when the
countrys massive debt situation plunged it into a
currency crisis. 

10 worst enemies of the press 

In face of the strongest opposition throughout his
rule, Mahathir stepped up on the use of repressive
laws to silent dissent. The Internal Security Act
removed his political opponents while the Printing
Presses and Publications Act kept the media in check. 

In fact, it is by no accident that the US-based
Committee to Protect Journalists last year voted both
Mahathir and Mugabe into their 10 worst enemies of
the press list. 

Malaysian police are also given wide-ranging powers to
disperse crowds suspected of exploiting sensitive
issues against the government. 

Most recently, Mugabes public order legislation has
emerged in the milder form of Mahathirs Akujanji or
loyalty pledge which prohibits civil servants,
academicians and students from criticising government

The use of these restrictive laws has enabled Mahathir
to survive the reformasi movement in Malaysia and to
remain entrenched in his position. 

Will this be a sign of things to come for Mugabe ? 

Mugabe may have won the battle at the Zimbabwean
polls, but it remains to be seen if he has won the war
on public opinion. As the European Union, United
States and Australia prepare for further sanctions in
addition to the travel ban already imposed, Mugabe
could well be perched at the threshold of Zimbabwes
own reformasi period. 

In the meantime, the Mahathir-Mugabe connection will
predictably grow stronger. Increasingly isolated,
Mugabe may find himself in less welcoming arms than

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