UMNO Baru dan rasuah sudah tidak dapat dipisahkan,
ibarat tahi dan kentut !   Bukankah Megat Junit semasa
itu Ketua Penerangan UMNO Baru ???

Tuesday, February 21, 2006
Megat Junid should explain 

Media Statement by Parliamentary Opposition Leader and
DAP MP for Ipoh Timur Lim Kit Siang in Parliament on
Tuesday, 21st February 2006:

Megat Junid should step forward to fully clarify his
role in the RM4.6 million payment of US super-lobbyist
Jack Abramoff to arrange the 2002 meeting between
President Bush and former Prime Minister Tun Dr.

In one fell stroke, former Prime Minister Tun Dr.
Mahathir Mohamad has confirmed the US$1.2 million
(RM4.6 million) scandal involving US super-lobbyist
Jack Abramoff in arranging the 2002 meeting him when
he was Prime Minister and President Bush although he
maintained that he “did not touch the money at all”.

He said the Government did not pay US1.2 million to
secure the meeting between him and Bush in 2002,
though he admitted: “It is true that someone paid the
money but it was not the Government.”

He said:

“I did not touch the money at all. In the US, it is a
practice that if you want to meet their leader, you
have to go through a lobbyist and the lobbyist has to
be paid... That is their system. It is not corruption
at all and it is very open, but they don’t reveal

Mahathir cannot be more wrong. This is not the US
system. It is the corrupt US system. This is why
Abramof is now regarded as a criminal and avoided like
a plague by American politicians - embroiled at the
centre of the biggest corruption scandal in recent US
political history.

The Los Angeles Times report “Abramoff Bragged of Ties
to Rove” on 15th February 2006 quoted “an eyewitness
to the activities” that Abramoff had contacted Bush’s
presidential adviser Karl Rove on at least four
occasions to help arrange a meeting. “Finally, the
former associate said, Rove's office called to tell
Abramoff that the Malaysian leader soon would be
getting an official White House invitation.”

The White House had officially distanced itself from
the report and claimed that the Mahathir-Bush meeting
was arranged through “normal channels”. 

Mahathir had however debunked White House claim of
innocence, confirming multi-million ringgit Malaysian
lobby efforts in 2001 and 2002 to arrange for a
meeting between him and Bush.

Former Cabinet Minister and Mahathir protégé Datuk
Seri Megat Junid Megat Ayub had been named in the
international media as the central Malaysian figure
who headed the “shadowy Malaysian group” which linked
up with the corrupt Washington DC lobbyists to arrange
for the Mahathir-Bush meeting in 2002. 
Megat Junid should step forward to fully clarify his
role in the RM4.6 million payment of US superlobbyist
Jack Abramoff to arrange the 2002 meeting.

Mahathir should also tell the whole truth, as nobody
believes he does not know about the US lobby operation
headed by Megat Junid or the sources of the RM4.6
million funding.

The statement by the longest-serving Prime Minister in
Malaysia that it is it is a normal US practice “that
if you want to meet their leader, you have to go
through a lobbyist and the lobbyist has to be paid” is
most shocking.

It raises two questions:

Firstly, it meant that the RM4.6 million lobby effort
for the Mahathir-Bush meeting in 2002 had government
sanction. How much government funds were expended on
it, and if no government monies were overtly used, how
were those in the “private sector” reimbursed and/or
compensated for their lobby activities – and the
identities of all the Malaysians, apart from Megat
Junid, who were involved.

Secondly, the present Prime Minister Datuk Seri
Abdullah Ahmad Badawi met President Bush at the White
House Oval Office on July 19, 2004. How much was
expended, whether directly by the government or
indirectly by “non-government” sources to lobby for
this Abdullah-Bush meeting, and who were the lobbyists
enlisted for this assignment?

Lim Kit Siang

Diterbitkan 6:46 PM    

razramus kata... 
Mahathir is a compulsive liar. A hypocrite of the
first degree. Whatever he spewns from his mouth are
nothing but lies.

No body would made the payment until Mahathir okayed
it. He knew the source of the fund. If someone paid
it, it was only an advancement for they will be repaid
back in kind or money from Mahathir who would
obviously use the public coffers.

This tyrant has difficulty in differentiating between
public funds and private funds. He assumes in his
megalomaniac state that all public funds belong to him
and his family to be dispense at his whims and

Wednesday, February 22, 2006 1:02:45 PM   
Waris Tok Naga kata... 
What is there for Megat Junid to explain? An admission
has already been made. 

Maybe, what Tun M is suggesting is that we should
emulate the US lobby system here in Malaysia. At least
we know who these "official gatekeepers" are.

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