Is there anyone here making use of amvault, who has gotten amlabel to work?

My old, old recipe went something like this: amlabel -f -otapetype="LTO2" -otpchanger="" -olabelstr="Vault-[1-7]" -otapedev="/dev/nst0" vtl Vault-1 slot 1

But that doesn't work with the current amanda.conf format

Here's my /etc/amanda/vtl/amanda.conf, which vaults fine IF I have an already-labelled tape.  Note the difference between "storage" - which is vtl - and "vault-storage" which should be the LTO.


org "Romanus"                   # your organization name for reports
mailto "" # space separated list of operators at your site
dumpuser "backup"

dumpcycle 7                # the number of days in the normal dump cycle
runspercycle 5                 # the number of amdump runs in dumpcycle days

tapecycle 40 tapes             # the number of tapes in rotation

storage "vtl"
vault-storage "tape_storage"
tpchanger "archivedisks"
tapetype "HARDDISK"               # what kind of tape it is
runtapes  6                    # number of tapes to be used in a single run of amdump

define dumptype global {
        comment "Global definitions"
        auth "bsdtcp"

#define application-tool and dumptype for the amgtar application
define application-tool app_amgtar {
    comment "amgtar"
    plugin  "amgtar"
    #property "GNUTAR-PATH" "/path/to/gtar"
    #property "GNUTAR-LISTDIR" "/path/to/gnutar_list_dir"

define dumptype gui-base {
    program "APPLICATION"
        application "app_amgtar"
        comment "gui base dumptype dumped with tar"
        compress none
        index yes

define tapetype HARDDISK {
    comment "Virtual Tapes"
    length 19768960 kbytes
    part_size 500 mbytes
    part_cache_type none

define changer LTO-2 {
    tpchanger "chg-single:/dev/nst0"
    device-property "LEOM" "TRUE"

define changer archivedisks {
    tpchanger "chg-disk:/amandatapes"
    property "num-slot" "45"
    property "auto-create-slot" "yes"

define storage "vtl" {
    tapedev "archivedisks"
    labelstr "vtl[0-9][0-9]*$"     # label constraint regex: all tapes must match

define storage "tape_storage" {
    erase-on-failure yes
    policy "HP_Robot"
    runtapes 1
    set-no-reuse no
    #tapedev "HP_G2"
    tapedev "LTO-2"
    tapetype "LTO2"
    tapepool "$r"
    tpchanger "LTO-2"
    labelstr "Vault-[1-7]"
    autolabel "Vault-%" any

includefile "./advanced.conf"
includefile "/etc/amanda/template.d/dumptypes"
includefile "/etc/amanda/template.d/tapetypes"

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