On Fri, 03 Dec 2021 23:20:29 -0800
Gene Heskett <ghesk...@shentel.net> wrote:

> Trying to setup bullseye's version of amanda to run on bullseye, but
> apparently 
> its confused as to user or paths, not sure which.
> Sanitized pw entry for amanda:
> amanda:x:1001:1001:amanda#####,,,:/home/amanda:/bin/bash

No, Gene. If you install the .deb amanda package, passwd looks like so:

root@hawk:~# grep ^backup /etc/passwd

except that I change the shell to bash (instead of /usr/sbin/nologin)
so that it works with ssh.

What you are showing looks like the upstream package, not the Debian
package. You don't need a user with UID above 1000 for amanda

> Sanitized backup in /etc/group:
> disk:x:6:backup
> tape:x:26:backup
> backup:x:34:
> amanda:x:1001:backup


root@hawk:~# grep ^backup /etc/group

> I Put the former /usr/local/etc/amanda /Daily contents in
> /etc/amanda/daily  for bullseye version:

Watch the capitalization. Is it Daily or daily?

Did you run amcheck?

> Then run:
> root@coyote:/etc/amanda# /usr/sbin/amgetconf  Daily dumpuser
> amanda
> works fine as root,
> but:
> root@coyote:/etc/amanda# su amanda -c "/usr/sbin/amgetconf  Daily

"amanda" is the user the upstream package creates and uses. The Debian
package uses the pre-existing user "backup". So:

root@hawk:~# su - backup
backup@hawk:~$ amgetconf DailySet1 dumpuser

> dumpuser" parse error: could not open conf file
> '/etc/amanda/amanda.conf': Permission denied
> Its also the wrong path, s/b /etc/amanda/Daily/amanda.conf
> So somethings aglay yet, but what???

You seem to have installed both the upstream amanda package and the
Debian package, and managed to conflate the two. That won't work.

Back out the upstream package entirely, and continue with the Debian
package. Remove the Debian packages. Kill off /home/amanda. Use find to
seek and destroy any file or directory with either owner or group
amanda. Get rid of any executables from the package. Get rid of the
entries in passwd and group. Kill off any executables. Then re-install
the Debian amanda packages.

Does anybody read signatures any more?


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