Am 13.04.22 um 15:29 schrieb Jose M Calhariz:

My setup is more simple

I have several RAID6, each one is always mounted, on /vTapes1,
/vTapes2, ... and there is a /vLibrary where there is all slots
directories that are symbolic links into /vTapes*

Have you look inside /mnt/externaldisk* to check if everything seams


Thanks for describing your more basic setup.

Things I am not sure of:

* taperscan: back then JLM told me to use "lexical" because otherwise it didn't work (years ago, I think it was related to this "chg-aggregate combines multiple chg-disk changers")

* labels: autolabel, metalabel ... maybe I have that wrong

* and why did it break? It worked ok in these 2 sites for years. Both Debian, so maybe some perl-library changed or something like that?

So I am basically relabeling a tape or two every day on these 2 amanda servers to keep the backups working.

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