Am 26.05.22 um 04:10 schrieb Exuvo:
 From my notes when i was doing recovery testing:
 For some reason if i use encryption i get a single spurious error at the end of amcheckdump or amrecover if you recover the last file written:
   application stderr: /usr/bin/tar: Skipping to next header
  application stderr: /usr/bin/tar: Exiting with failure status due to previous errors  It still recovers as it should so nothing to worry about and manual recovery from the same tape does not produce this warning but i have not yet figured out why it happens.

I did do a complete 8TB restore when i first set up my archive backups, which takes 7 tapes for me, changer worked, and that did give the above warning at the end but all files matched the source when i checked.

I think i had "/bin/gzip: gzip: stdin: decompression OK, trailing garbage ignored" before i used -q to zstd which suppresses warnings and interactivity.

You could try a manual restore:
position at block 1 with mt fsb
mbuffer -i $TAPE -s 1024k -b 2048 -L | /etc/amanda/encrypt -d | /etc/amanda/zstd-compression -d | tar -xf - or mbuffer -i $TAPE -s 1024k -b 2048 -L | openssl enc -pbkdf2 -d -aes-256-ctr -salt -pass fd:3 3< pwfile | zstd -dqcf | tar -xf - That never gave the warnings as i get with amrecover but only feasible for full restores. You can try zstd -dfo /dev/null to see if zstd gives any warnings while reading.

Thanks a lot for that detailed reply. Although in my case the compression is with gzip, not with zstd. So I am unsure if your suggestion applies.

A short search tells me that zstd is able to decompress gzip archives?

Nice, but the existing backups on tape tell amrecover to use "gzip -d" or so, right?

I see people setting up a symlink .. hmm, wondering.

In my "define changer" section i have device-property "READ_BUFFER_SIZE" "1024k", which i had to add to read older backups when i was testing different block sizes.
That settings means it supports up to that blocksize for restores.

I don't have that setting yet.

Set it to 2048k now to match

blocksize 2 mbytes

readblocksize 2 mbytes

in the used tapetype (maybe all 3 settings could go into either the tapetype OR the changer device-property lines).

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