Cameron Matheson wrote:

hmm, there is no sendbackup file... i'm assuming it
never got that file.  i did look around in a few of
the other files, and the problem seems to be here at
how it's running tar:

 /bin/tar --create --file /dev/null --directory
 --one-file-system --listed-incremental
/var/lib/amanda/gnutar-lists/devdb.tonser --sparse
--ignore-failed-read --totals .

--directory /dev/ida/c0d0p2!! i'm not sure why that
is... here's the entry from my disklist file: /dev/ida/c0d0p2 root-tar

it's similar to my other clients which are all working
fine... why would it be sending this tar command? (the
other clients are all having '/' be their directory)

Actually, I thought that you could give either a device name or a directory, and amanda would convert either one to whatever is needed for your dump program (device for DUMP, path for GNUTAR). Apparently, this doesn't work out in your case; I remember there having been a bug some time ago, but I can't recall the specifics. (Anybody remember more detail here?)

Anyway, if using the path instead of the device is fine with you, I'm pretty sure that would work.

Are you using GNUTAR or DUMP?  In case of GNUTAR,
can you try giving the mountpoint instead of the >
device file, if my first suggestions don't help?

hmmm, i never even thought about that... does that
mean that instead of specifying the device, i can just
type '/' and it will back up everything (except for
the stuff in excludes)?

Almost, yes. Note the `--one-file-system' option to tar above: tar will stay within the same mounted filesystem, heeding excludes obviously. Barring an eventual bug in amanda, use whatever notation you are more comfortable with; to me, that would be directories, for other, that might be devices.


Alexander Jolk         /         BUF Compagnie
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