Am 2017-02-20 um 20:12 schrieb Uwe Menges:
> On 02/20/17 13:55, Jean-Louis Martineau wrote:
>> Can you tried the attached patch instead of yours?
> Sure, and thanks, this is a better patch.
> Just running an extraordinary backup now, looks good so far (when
> hitting the issue, it was very early during backup, so I'm already
> beyond the issue).

just some additional feedback, maybe related, maybe not:

I also had some issues with planner in 3.4.2:

some servers simply came up with an empty plan and dumped nothing.

Patched one of those with Uwe's patch first, then with the updated patch
from JLM ... and additionally generated a patchset to match the HEAD of
the 3_4 branch on github.

Seems to have done the trick, that server backs up stuff ok for now.

(same gentoo, same versions of amanda/samba/glibc/gcc/younameit ... one
server worked, the other failed ...)

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