The typical "example" amanda configuration is
'DailySet1'.  To much typing for me, so I normally
use 'DS1'.

Thinking some amanda commands let you skip the config
argument and default to a "coded-in" 'DailySet1' I
was looking for how to define the default when using
pre-built binaries.  Looking at manpages, such cmds
are few to non-existant, so this point is moot.

However looking at the manpages showed great variety
is how different commands accept the <config> argument.
It seems something so basic should be more consistant.

Here are some samples, note this is based on the manpages
which we all know sometimes lag the actual code.

# --config not required, <config> required
  amstatus [--config] <config>

# --config not allowed, <config> required
  amdump <config>
  amcheck <config>

# --config not allowed, <config> optional
  amreport [<config>]    # optional if in config dir
                         # with the amanda.conf

# <config> not required, --config required IF <config> is given
  amrestore [--config <config>]
  amdump_client [--config <config>]

That's a lot of variability for something so important.

Jon H. LaBadie       
 11226 South Shore Rd.          (703) 787-0688 (H)
 Reston, VA  20190              (703) 935-6720 (C)

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