On Mon, Mar 20, 2017 at 12:29:56 +0000, Tobias Köck wrote:
> Hi,
> I get an error about retention-tapes with Amanda 4.4.3. Is it a new feature 
> added to the build? It did work before.
> backup@chronos:~$ amcheck kundenarchiv
> Amanda Tape Server Host Check
> -----------------------------
> ERROR: storage 'kundenarchiv': runtapes is larger or equal to policy 
> 'kundenarchiv' retention-tapes

If not specified explicitly, retention-tapes gets calculated as 1 less
than the "tapecycle" setting. What settings do you have for "runtapes"
and "tapecycle" in your config?

(In my current test environment for 3.4.3, I have runtapes=1 and
tapecycle=14; with those values, "amcheck" is happy, and "amadmin
<CONFIG> config" reports a retention-tape value of 13 for the
implicitly-created policy.)


Nathan Stratton Treadway  -  natha...@ontko.com  -  Mid-Atlantic region
Ray Ontko & Co.  -  Software consulting services  -   http://www.ontko.com/
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