

Your English is quite clear. Unfortunately, I cannot explain this behavior.
I use AlertIf too and often is does not seem to behave as it should. I have
not seen/noticed this date issue, but sometimes it simply does not send out
the alert. Are you sure the 2nd alert was from the next day? Are you using
daily data?



-----Original Message-----
From: [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf
Of lapilia
Sent: Saturday, January 20, 2007 15:50
Subject: [amibroker] Alert If function


My system generates an email alert each time there is a Buy signal.


On January 18th, my system generated a buy signal and an email alert.  In
the subject line of the email, the date was 2007-01-18.  Till there,
everything is OK.


On January 19th, my system generated a buy signal on the same stock and an
email alert.  However, in the subject line of the email, the date was
2007-01-18 instead of 2007-01-19.  Does anybody know why ?


Here is the formula I use for the email alert :


AlertIf( Buy, "EMAIL", "A sample alert on "+VolumeDeLaTransaction, 1, 1+2)


Hope my English is understandable.  My mother tongue is French !


Thank you very much for your help.


Claude Marc-Aurele







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