Hi all,

I use 10 and 30 min data on a daily basis.

The manual also says that AB has:
ability to display most common 1−, 5−, 15−, 60− minute intraday charts as well 
as fully customizable
N−minute charts (where N is 1..1380 )

Quite simply put - my 'N' is 10 minutes. I do load it as 1 min data, but I 
suspect that you can load it as 10 min data. You will have to set your 
database's Base Time Interval set to 10 mins.

So that would be a big fat "yes".


From: spacebass5000 <spacebass5...@yahoo.com>
To: amibroker@yahoogroups.com
Sent: Thursday, 24 September, 2009 2:01:27 PM
Subject: [amibroker] Re: Can I use 10 minute data?

--- In amibro...@yahoogrou ps.com, "spacebass5000" <spacebass5000@ ...> wrote:
> I've been looking all over the place and can't seem to find an answer to this.
> When I am creating a new database, I'd like to set the interval to 10 minutes 
> but the only resolutions close to this are 1, 5, and 15. Is there a way to 
> utilize 10 minute data points with Amibroker?

the reference manual for 5.20 states:

1-, 5-, 15- minute, hourly Intraday charting/backtestin g/scanning

so that would be a big fat "no"


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