Try something like the following:

Dates = DateNum();
MyBuySignal = ...;
ValidBuyDates = Dates == 1041105 OR Dates == ... OR Dates == ...;

Buy = MyBuySignal AND ValidBuyDates;

Repeat the same for Sell.


--- In, "jollypolly999" <jollypolly...@...> wrote:
> Greetings. I have spent several hours doing individual backtests within 
> certain historical dates. For example my system will only enter the stock 
> exchange if certain criteria are met. There are 10 seperate dates in which I 
> switch the system on and off.
> So the question remains. Please, is it possible to add code to my formula so 
> that the backtester only tests within the 10 seperate defined dates?
> I have tried adding the following code (an example) but the backtester 
> over-rides it. Unless I need to tick something in the backtester. 
> Buy = Buy OR (DateNum() == 1030404); which is 04/04/03
> Sell = Sell OR (DateNum() == 1041105); which is 05/11/04

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