At 08:27 PM 6/26/2010 -0700, wrote:
>How about letting us know why there are no casual contacts anymore and 
>only rehearsed and choreographed public shows.
>I read many times about how busy the astronauts are but it is glaringly 
>apparent they have no interest or are refraining from unrehearsed
>They could at least turn on the cross band repeater. The navy had enough 
>control over the amateur radio with the packet.
>Frankly, I am personally no longer interested in talking to the astronauts 
>but the repeater was a lot of fun.
>Someone please make it happen.
>A mere citizen

I was thinking about this, and you know I've never have made a contact with 
anyone the ISS.  There were a few times I could have fired up the mfj-1278 
and done some digi, but even that hasn't been turned on much.

I didn't monitor to see if they were on for FD.


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