Many questions..

-Do you still crash if you change
::skin::loadPixmap sendbutton 
inside  # New pixmap-skinnable button (For Windows and Unix > Tcl/Tk 8.3)

Replace the sendbutton by: 
button $sendbutton -image [::skin::loadPixmap sendbutton] \
-command "::amsn::MessageSend $w $text" \
(I removed all options except command and image).

Do you have the problem with ALL skins? Including Default skin.

Le 05-12-02 à 09:01, Vivia Nikolaidou a écrit :

It is actually the send button. I enabled the "standard grey flat button" 

in chatwindow.tcl and increased the -width argument (but I mean REALLY 

increase it, had to set it to 60) and it is stable! I just get a funny 

huge button that turns normal again when I hover it :) but at least, no 


I will keep experimenting, but since I am hacking an unknown code in an 

unknown language, I'd appreciate it if someone else gave it a try :)

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