Tested, fixed the problems I had, made more enhancements, committed : 
winskin is now usable on Linux! :)

/me sooo glad :)

On Thu, 23 Mar 2006, Vivia Nikolaidou wrote:

> I noticed a problem with how the buttons appear and I made this fix. 
> Please tell me if it works OK now on Windows!
> I am also having other problems with winskin but they might be Linux-only 
> or related to my patch (though I don't see how I might have broken that). 
> I'm not committing because it still seems problematic but there it goes:
> 1) Click the button with the arrow (that shows the menu) and amsn crashes:
> Tk_MoveToplevelWindow called with non-toplevel window
> 2) The button to make amsn skinned or not doesn't seem to have any effect.


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 Where is the knowledge that we have lost in information?"


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