On Wed, 3 May 2006, Youness Alaoui wrote:

> I think we all agree that the guy shouldn't be judged from his level of 
> english.. but I think Vivia meant to say that the english/the words he 
> used were inappropriate, inpolite and that's why he should 'learn how to 
> talk', I think viv didn't express herself correctly by talking about 
> grammar and syntax rules, but it probably went along when she said 
> punctuations (which yes, if you don't even take the time to punctuate 
> your text, it shows you have no respect for the people you write to)

Yes, Youness, you almost got my point. Alvaro got it exactly. I don't mind 
grammar/spelling mistakes, as long as the whole text is, first, 
understandable, second, polite. I do mind grammar/spelling mistakes if 
they make the text incomprehensible! This is why I talked about grammar, 
spelling and punctuation, I couldn't make sense out of that text. Of 
course I'm not expecting anyone to speak perfect English (after all, who 
am I to judge?), but some basic rules can be followed and a spellchecker 
can be used.

Most of us speak English as a foreign language, we all have been to this 
level where you hesitate before forming one simple phrase - still, I would 
be ashamed to send out an email like this. Worst case scenario, if you 
feel too insecure, you can ask for help from someone else, or at least 
write a "PS: sorry for my English".


> On Wed, 03 May 2006 13:32:45 -0400, Álvaro J. Iradier"" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> wrote:
> > >English isn't my first language and I can't write correct english
> > >sometimes,
> > >but I'm able to use any kind of software :D... Please, he is stupid, but
> > >not
> > >everyone know english (i18n solves this), and not everyone must to...
> >
> >Even if you don't know english perfectly (I don't), you know how to
> >express correctly, kindly, and using punctuations where necessary :)
> >
> >Greets.
> >
> >
> >--
> >(:===========================================:)
> >  Alvaro J. Iradier Muro - [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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