On Tue, 3 Oct 2006, NoWhereMan wrote:

> ----- Original Message ----- 
> From: "Youness Alaoui" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> > This applies to anyone else.. like Nowhereman, or snipe for example, 
> > they help in the forums, they work on the userwiki (not really:P WHERE 
> > ARE YOU!!! :p) but they can't commit anything... so maybe they'll also 
> > need a little encouragement..
> silently watching you, guys, sorry for being so quiet but I'm so busy... 
> I'm after a pair of projects of mine, flatpress is going to be released, 
> and one for my university; and lessons have started... d'oh... why does 
> a week last 7-days only?

It's OK, take your time, nobody is pushing you. Seems you have the same 
problem as most of us here! BTW, I don't care about the week having 7 days 
only, my problem is that the day has 24 hours... and that the weekend is 
only 2 days long :P

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