Youness Alaoui wrote:
> On Wed, Dec 06, 2006 at 05:28:41PM +0100, NoWhereMan wrote:

>> Well this a little more than what you're saying here :D gui.tcl
>> itself has a lot of instructions in its body which are not wrapped
>> into functions.

> no, actually all the code from the files that aren't in procs are
> inside a if {$initialize_amsn == 1 } and that's the part of code I
> was suggesting to put outside the file in a init{} proc.

oh, I see what I mean. I saw some if-tests and I didn't pay attention to 
their contents; their conditionals for cascading sourc'ing

> nope, just try it, look at the amsn file and change the 'set
> initialize_amsn 1' to 'set initalize_amsn 0' and launch amsn, you'll
> get an error, yes, because it seems that there is some code in
> msncam.tcl that is not in an initialize_amsn wrapping, which is
> already bad and should be fixed (or we might get into trouble when we
> do a reload_files)
> you'll see that it crashes on sourcing msncam.tcl and it happens
> really fast, and msncam.tcl is one of the last files being sourced..

Oh! I see now! well, that must be calling a suicide when it comes to debug 

> Actually the whole bootstrap takes time because we need to load the
> languages, then load the configs, then choose the profile, verify the
> ports of the profiles in use, create our own locked port, then reload
> the config for that profile, then ...
> that's really the long part, and that part is done inside of if
> {$initialize_amsn } code that gets called when we do the 'source'...


> if we move that code out of the files, we'll get a so much faster
> loading!

but you should forget the fancy graphical loader.

> I would agree.. we just never got into the refactoring cycle of the
> development
>> [ot]
>> Beside this, I would break into pieces a lot of the code in amsn (I
>> mean all of the source of amsn). There are procs of tens of lines,
>> how can you pass them through without getting mad? :P
>> As you're rewriting the contactlist take this as a suggestion. And
>> don't be frightened of break guicontactlist.tcl into several files
>> if this would help ;)
>> I mean: you need to create a contact ? You have to write name, put
>> the buddy icon, the PSM etc
>> Ok, define a proc :)
>> Even better, define a ContactList object, made of ContactGroups
>> containing ContactObjects which can be Print{}'ed, Create{ $id }'ed
>> etc.
>> What's more OO than a GUI? ;)
>> [/ot]
> yeah, I know, but what can I say.. you know how motivated we all are:p

nooo, that's not true. You have a lot of users; sure they often don't show 
their gratitude but in fact they love you ;)
or they would use merc*cough*cough*
The real problem is that you loose fun as your project become bigger and 
messier; the more it's a mess the less it's fun.  I know it.
Put the fun back in your work ;)

> ok, then we don't need an extra inactive developer, we've got enough
> :p
> in that case, stay helpful with all those patches, it's nice :)

yep, I'll do my best ^_^

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