Philippe Valembois - Phil wrote:
> Hi,
> please do not change anything about nick parsing....
> NWM, you should better implement the way nicks are handled in NewCL :
> we can have multicoloured nicks... I am currently using a modified
> version of aMSNPlus handling that and raw_nick is used to keep two
> versions of the parsed nick : the one with a list that is displayed
> in the NewCL and the one that is displayed everywhere...

whoops, very sorry, for changing that, then, revert it back witha new 

Btw I don't think the Event NickArray (I don't see anything else, correct me 
if I'm wrong :)) is the way to go for plugins; at least not the only. I 
mean, passing an _array_ to the event trigger? This means the trigger will 
have to cycle _again_ over the array (the cycle have been already done) and 
this means slowing it down; I would rather add another event, say, CLNick or 
whatever you want it to sound like called right within the loop.

Please notice this is very useful for the internals too

In my project I had to cicle several times over the same array; I better 
created a class overriding the check/modify methods; this mean looping only 
once! You can do the same using your Event system :), so every time the 
nicks are updated, the parser (or whatever) are called ^_^


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