On Mon, 30 Apr 2007, Youness Alaoui wrote:

> p.s.: about lang keys, I don't know the exact procedures, but I think 
> you should just provide the english translation and leave the 
> translators the task to translate it (allows for a better coherence in 
> translation).. you could also maybe post to amsn-lang with your 
> translations after reading the translation HOWTO, or finally, wait until 
> Alvaro or Vivia answer this thread and tell you what to do for the 
> translation.. I think they'll say to keep it as is and to apply the 
> patch with the translations in one shot.

For new translations, they should be sent separately from the main patch. 
I really suggest that you read the translation HOWTO and follow this 
procedure if you want to add the keys. In a few words, you need to send 
the new COMPLETE langfile to the amsn-translations list (requires no 
subscription). We cannot manually add new keys to the existing langfile - 
for example, what if we mess up the encoding without noticing? That's just 
one of the many things that could go wrong. If we don't speak the 
language, there's no way to confirm it works right.

Just as I saw it, I noticed that the langkey you added to the Spanish 
langfile has the wrong encoding. The file is in UTF-8 and the key you 
added is in iso-8859-1 :

+showbuttonbar Mostrar la barra del botón en charlas
 showcachedpics Mostrar imágenes para mostrar almacenadas

Now, imagine the case where you are sending translations in e.g. Chinese, 
where it's likely that the person who commits it cannot even properly 
display the characters... I couldn't have spotted the mistake :)

A quick grep also shows me that the term "charlas" isn't used anywhere 
else. IIRC, Youness had the same question for "causeries". Since French 
and Spanish are very widely-spoken languages, very actively supported at 
the moment, you could just give the English phrase and wait for 
translators to translate it in their own languages, so they can also take 
care of the proper encoding and terms.

Thanx for the contribution, and keep up the good work :)

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