Everything is on a-p.net

Álvaro J. Iradier a écrit :
> Silly me, we are not hosted at sourceforge any more, are we? Not even
> the database?
> On Sun, Jul 27, 2008 at 10:23 PM, Álvaro J. Iradier
> <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> Someone sent this to me. It looks related to tiki-wiki.
>> I checked, and even going to:
>> http://amsn.sourceforge.net/wiki/
>> I get the same error. Did something go wrong when sourceforge migrated our 
>> site?
>> Greets.
>> On Sun, Jul 27, 2008 at 10:14 PM, dfa610 <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>> Hello,
>>> I got your emails from the amsn credit page. I suppose you can forward this
>>> message to the right person.
>>> I just come from the update site at the address
>>> http://amsn.sourceforge.net/wiki/tiki-index.php?page=ChangeLog, and i got
>>> the following error page with very sensitive information.
>>> I use ubuntu 8, let me know if you need more details about my configuration.
>>> Best regards,
>>> Nicolas
>>> -----
>>> An error occured in a database query!
>>> Context:
>>> File/wiki/tiki-index.php
>>> Url/wiki/tiki-index.php?page=ChangeLog
>>> Query:
>>> select `userId` from `users_users` where `login`=?
>>> Values:
>>> 0
>>> Go back
>>> Return to home page
>>> array(7) {
>>>   [0]=>
>>>   array(7) {
>>>     ["file"]=>
>>>     string(55) "/home/groups/a/am/amsn/htdocs/devwiki/lib/tikidblib.php"
>>>     ["line"]=>
>>>     int(109)
>>>     ["function"]=>
>>>     string(9) "sql_error"
>>>     ["class"]=>
>>>     string(6) "TikiDB"
>>>     ["object"]=>
>>>     object(UsersLib)#6 (10) {
>>>       ["debug"]=>
>>>       bool(false)
>>>       ["usergroups_cache"]=>
>>>       array(0) {
>>>       }
>>>       ["groupperm_cache"]=>
>>>       array(1) {
>>>         [0]=>
>>>         array(0) {
>>>         }
>>>       }
>>>       ["db"]=>
>>>       object(ADODB_mysql)#2 (78) {
>>>         ["databaseType"]=>
>>>         string(5) "mysql"
>>>         ["dataProvider"]=>
>>>         string(5) "mysql"
>>>         ["hasInsertID"]=>
>>>         bool(true)
>>>         ["hasAffectedRows"]=>
>>>         bool(true)
>>>         ["metaTablesSQL"]=>
>>>         string(11) "SHOW TABLES"
>>>         ["metaColumnsSQL"]=>
>>>         string(20) "SHOW COLUMNS FROM %s"
>>>         ["fmtTimeStamp"]=>
>>>         string(13) "'Y-m-d H:i:s'"
>>>         ["hasLimit"]=>
>>>         bool(true)
>>>         ["hasMoveFirst"]=>
>>>         bool(true)
>>>         ["hasGenID"]=>
>>>         bool(true)
>>>         ["isoDates"]=>
>>>         bool(true)
>>>         ["sysDate"]=>
>>>         string(9) "CURDATE()"
>>>         ["sysTimeStamp"]=>
>>>         string(5) "NOW()"
>>>         ["hasTransactions"]=>
>>>         bool(false)
>>>         ["forceNewConnect"]=>
>>>         bool(false)
>>>         ["poorAffectedRows"]=>
>>>         bool(true)
>>>         ["clientFlags"]=>
>>>         int(0)
>>>         ["substr"]=>
>>>         string(9) "substring"
>>>         ["nameQuote"]=>
>>>         string(1) "`"
>>>         ["_genIDSQL"]=>
>>>         string(38) "update %s set id=LAST_INSERT_ID(id+1);"
>>>         ["_genSeqSQL"]=>
>>>         string(33) "create table %s (id int not null)"
>>>         ["_genSeq2SQL"]=>
>>>         string(26) "insert into %s values (%s)"
>>>         ["_dropSeqSQL"]=>
>>>         string(13) "drop table %s"
>>>         ["database"]=>
>>>         string(11) "a54091_tiki"
>>>         ["host"]=>
>>>         string(8) "mysql4-a"
>>>         ["user"]=>
>>>         string(8) "a54091rw"
>>>         ["password"]=>
>>>         string(10)  ****************************************** <= I suggest
>>> to change it !!
>>>         ["debug"]=>
>>>         bool(false)
>>>         ["maxblobsize"]=>
>>>         int(262144)
>>>         ["concat_operator"]=>
>>>         string(1) "+"
>>>         ["length"]=>
>>>         string(6) "length"
>>>         ["random"]=>
>>>         string(6) "rand()"
>>>         ["upperCase"]=>
>>>         string(5) "upper"
>>>         ["fmtDate"]=>
>>>         string(7) "'Y-m-d'"
>>>         ["true"]=>
>>>         string(1) "1"
>>>         ["false"]=>
>>>         string(1) "0"
>>>         ["replaceQuote"]=>
>>>         string(2) "\'"
>>>         ["charSet"]=>
>>>         bool(false)
>>>         ["metaDatabasesSQL"]=>
>>>         string(0) ""
>>>         ["uniqueOrderBy"]=>
>>>         bool(false)
>>>         ["emptyDate"]=>
>>>         string(6) " "
>>>         ["emptyTimeStamp"]=>
>>>         string(6) " "
>>>         ["lastInsID"]=>
>>>         bool(false)
>>>         ["hasTop"]=>
>>>         bool(false)
>>>         ["readOnly"]=>
>>>         bool(false)
>>>         ["genID"]=>
>>>         int(0)
>>>         ["raiseErrorFn"]=>
>>>         string(16) "ADODB_Error_PEAR"
>>>         ["cacheSecs"]=>
>>>         int(3600)
>>>         ["arrayClass"]=>
>>>         string(18) "ADORecordSet_array"
>>>         ["noNullStrings"]=>
>>>         bool(false)
>>>         ["numCacheHits"]=>
>>>         int(0)
>>>         ["numCacheMisses"]=>
>>>         int(0)
>>>         ["pageExecuteCountRows"]=>
>>>         bool(true)
>>>         ["uniqueSort"]=>
>>>         bool(false)
>>>         ["leftOuter"]=>
>>>         bool(false)
>>>         ["rightOuter"]=>
>>>         bool(false)
>>>         ["ansiOuter"]=>
>>>         bool(false)
>>>         ["autoRollback"]=>
>>>         bool(false)
>>>         ["fnExecute"]=>
>>>         bool(false)
>>>         ["fnCacheExecute"]=>
>>>         bool(false)
>>>         ["blobEncodeType"]=>
>>>         bool(false)
>>>         ["rsPrefix"]=>
>>>         string(13) "ADORecordSet_"
>>>         ["autoCommit"]=>
>>>         bool(true)
>>>         ["transOff"]=>
>>>         int(0)
>>>         ["transCnt"]=>
>>>         int(0)
>>>         ["fetchMode"]=>
>>>         bool(false)
>>>         ["_oldRaiseFn"]=>
>>>         bool(false)
>>>         ["_transOK"]=>
>>>         NULL
>>>         ["_connectionID"]=>
>>>         resource(16) of type (mysql link)
>>>         ["_errorMsg"]=>
>>>         string(45) "Table 'a54091_tiki.users_users' doesn't exist"
>>>         ["_errorCode"]=>
>>>         bool(false)
>>>         ["_queryID"]=>
>>>         bool(false)
>>>         ["_isPersistentConnection"]=>
>>>         bool(false)
>>>         ["_bindInputArray"]=>
>>>         bool(false)
>>>         ["_evalAll"]=>
>>>         bool(false)
>>>         ["_affected"]=>
>>>         bool(false)
>>>         ["_logsql"]=>
>>>         bool(false)
>>>         ["databaseName"]=>
>>>         string(11) "a54091_tiki"
>>>       }
>>>       ["buffer"]=>
>>>       NULL
>>>       ["flag"]=>
>>>       NULL
>>>       ["parser"]=>
>>>       NULL
>>>       ["pre_handlers"]=>
>>>       array(0) {
>>>       }
>>>       ["pos_handlers"]=>
>>>       array(0) {
>>>       }
>>>       ["num_queries"]=>
>>>       int(0)
>>>     }
>>>     ["type"]=>
>>>     string(2) "->"
>>>     ["args"]=>
>>>     array(3) {
>>>       [0]=>
>>>       &string(50) "select `userId` from `users_users` where `login`=?"
>>>       [1]=>
>>>       &array(1) {
>>>         [0]=>
>>>         NULL
>>>       }
>>>       [2]=>
>>>       &bool(false)
>>>     }
>>>   }
>>>   [1]=>
>>>   array(7) {
>>>     ["file"]=>
>>>     string(54) "/home/groups/a/am/amsn/htdocs/devwiki/lib/userslib.php"
>>>     ["line"]=>
>>>     int(694)
>>>     ["function"]=>
>>>     string(6) "getOne"
>>>     ["class"]=>
>>>     string(6) "TikiDB"
>>>     ["object"]=>
>>>     object(UsersLib)#6 (10) {
>>>       ["debug"]=>
>>>       bool(false)
>>>       ["usergroups_cache"]=>
>>>       array(0) {
>>>       }
>>>       ["groupperm_cache"]=>
>>>       array(1) {
>>>         [0]=>
>>>         array(0) {
>>>         }
>>>       }
>>>       ["db"]=>
>>>       object(ADODB_mysql)#2 (78) {
>>>         ["databaseType"]=>
>>>         string(5) "mysql"
>>>         ["dataProvider"]=>
>>>         string(5) "mysql"
>>>         ["hasInsertID"]=>
>>>         bool(true)
>>>         ["hasAffectedRows"]=>
>>>         bool(true)
>>>         ["metaTablesSQL"]=>
>>>         string(11) "SHOW TABLES"
>>>         ["metaColumnsSQL"]=>
>>>         string(20) "SHOW COLUMNS FROM %s"
>>>         ["fmtTimeStamp"]=>
>>>         string(13) "'Y-m-d H:i:s'"
>>>         ["hasLimit"]=>
>>>         bool(true)
>>>         ["hasMoveFirst"]=>
>>>         bool(true)
>>>         ["hasGenID"]=>
>>>         bool(true)
>>>         ["isoDates"]=>
>>>         bool(true)
>>>         ["sysDate"]=>
>>>         string(9) "CURDATE()"
>>>         ["sysTimeStamp"]=>
>>>         string(5) "NOW()"
>>>         ["hasTransactions"]=>
>>>         bool(false)
>>>         ["forceNewConnect"]=>
>>>         bool(false)
>>>         ["poorAffectedRows"]=>
>>>         bool(true)
>>>         ["clientFlags"]=>
>>>         int(0)
>>>         ["substr"]=>
>>>         string(9) "substring"
>>>         ["nameQuote"]=>
>>>         string(1) "`"
>>>         ["_genIDSQL"]=>
>>>         string(38) "update %s set id=LAST_INSERT_ID(id+1);"
>>>         ["_genSeqSQL"]=>
>>>         string(33) "create table %s (id int not null)"
>>>         ["_genSeq2SQL"]=>
>>>         string(26) "insert into %s values (%s)"
>>>         ["_dropSeqSQL"]=>
>>>         string(13) "drop table %s"
>>>         ["database"]=>
>>>         string(11) "a54091_tiki"
>>>         ["host"]=>
>>>         string(8) "mysql4-a"
>>>         ["user"]=>
>>>         string(8) "a54091rw"
>>>         ["password"]=>
>>>         string(10)  ****************************************** <= I suggest
>>> to change it !!
>>>         ["debug"]=>
>>>         bool(false)
>>>         ["maxblobsize"]=>
>>>         int(262144)
>>>         ["concat_operator"]=>
>>>         string(1) "+"
>>>         ["length"]=>
>>>         string(6) "length"
>>>         ["random"]=>
>>>         string(6) "rand()"
>>>         ["upperCase"]=>
>>>         string(5) "upper"
>>>         ["fmtDate"]=>
>>>         string(7) "'Y-m-d'"
>>>         ["true"]=>
>>>         string(1) "1"
>>>         ["false"]=>
>>>         string(1) "0"
>>>         ["replaceQuote"]=>
>>>         string(2) "\'"
>>>         ["charSet"]=>
>>>         bool(false)
>>>         ["metaDatabasesSQL"]=>
>>>         string(0) ""
>>>         ["uniqueOrderBy"]=>
>>>         bool(false)
>>>         ["emptyDate"]=>
>>>         string(6) " "
>>>         ["emptyTimeStamp"]=>
>>>         string(6) " "
>>>         ["lastInsID"]=>
>>>         bool(false)
>>>         ["hasTop"]=>
>>>         bool(false)
>>>         ["readOnly"]=>
>>>         bool(false)
>>>         ["genID"]=>
>>>         int(0)
>>>         ["raiseErrorFn"]=>
>>>         string(16) "ADODB_Error_PEAR"
>>>         ["cacheSecs"]=>
>>>         int(3600)
>>>         ["arrayClass"]=>
>>>         string(18) "ADORecordSet_array"
>>>         ["noNullStrings"]=>
>>>         bool(false)
>>>         ["numCacheHits"]=>
>>>         int(0)
>>>         ["numCacheMisses"]=>
>>>         int(0)
>>>         ["pageExecuteCountRows"]=>
>>>         bool(true)
>>>         ["uniqueSort"]=>
>>>         bool(false)
>>>         ["leftOuter"]=>
>>>         bool(false)
>>>         ["rightOuter"]=>
>>>         bool(false)
>>>         ["ansiOuter"]=>
>>>         bool(false)
>>>         ["autoRollback"]=>
>>>         bool(false)
>>>         ["fnExecute"]=>
>>>         bool(false)
>>>         ["fnCacheExecute"]=>
>>>         bool(false)
>>>         ["blobEncodeType"]=>
>>>         bool(false)
>>>         ["rsPrefix"]=>
>>>         string(13) "ADORecordSet_"
>>>         ["autoCommit"]=>
>>>         bool(true)
>>>         ["transOff"]=>
>>>         int(0)
>>>         ["transCnt"]=>
>>>         int(0)
>>>         ["fetchMode"]=>
>>>         bool(false)
>>>         ["_oldRaiseFn"]=>
>>>         bool(false)
>>>         ["_transOK"]=>
>>>         NULL
>>>         ["_connectionID"]=>
>>>         resource(16) of type (mysql link)
>>>         ["_errorMsg"]=>
>>>         string(45) "Table 'a54091_tiki.users_users' doesn't exist"
>>>         ["_errorCode"]=>
>>>         bool(false)
>>>         ["_queryID"]=>
>>>         bool(false)
>>>         ["_isPersistentConnection"]=>
>>>         bool(false)
>>>         ["_bindInputArray"]=>
>>>         bool(false)
>>>         ["_evalAll"]=>
>>>         bool(false)
>>>         ["_affected"]=>
>>>         bool(false)
>>>         ["_logsql"]=>
>>>         bool(false)
>>>         ["databaseName"]=>
>>>         string(11) "a54091_tiki"
>>>       }
>>>       ["buffer"]=>
>>>       NULL
>>>       ["flag"]=>
>>>       NULL
>>>       ["parser"]=>
>>>       NULL
>>>       ["pre_handlers"]=>
>>>       array(0) {
>>>       }
>>>       ["pos_handlers"]=>
>>>       array(0) {
>>>       }
>>>       ["num_queries"]=>
>>>       int(0)
>>>     }
>>>     ["type"]=>
>>>     string(2) "->"
>>>     ["args"]=>
>>>     array(2) {
>>>       [0]=>
>>>       &string(50) "select `userId` from `users_users` where `login`=?"
>>>       [1]=>
>>>       &array(1) {
>>>         [0]=>
>>>         NULL
>>>       }
>>>     }
>>>   }
>>>   [2]=>
>>>   array(7) {
>>>     ["file"]=>
>>>     string(54) "/home/groups/a/am/amsn/htdocs/devwiki/lib/userslib.php"
>>>     ["line"]=>
>>>     int(736)
>>>     ["function"]=>
>>>     string(11) "get_user_id"
>>>     ["class"]=>
>>>     string(8) "UsersLib"
>>>     ["object"]=>
>>>     object(UsersLib)#6 (10) {
>>>       ["debug"]=>
>>>       bool(false)
>>>       ["usergroups_cache"]=>
>>>       array(0) {
>>>       }
>>>       ["groupperm_cache"]=>
>>>       array(1) {
>>>         [0]=>
>>>         array(0) {
>>>         }
>>>       }
>>>       ["db"]=>
>>>       object(ADODB_mysql)#2 (78) {
>>>         ["databaseType"]=>
>>>         string(5) "mysql"
>>>         ["dataProvider"]=>
>>>         string(5) "mysql"
>>>         ["hasInsertID"]=>
>>>         bool(true)
>>>         ["hasAffectedRows"]=>
>>>         bool(true)
>>>         ["metaTablesSQL"]=>
>>>         string(11) "SHOW TABLES"
>>>         ["metaColumnsSQL"]=>
>>>         string(20) "SHOW COLUMNS FROM %s"
>>>         ["fmtTimeStamp"]=>
>>>         string(13) "'Y-m-d H:i:s'"
>>>         ["hasLimit"]=>
>>>         bool(true)
>>>         ["hasMoveFirst"]=>
>>>         bool(true)
>>>         ["hasGenID"]=>
>>>         bool(true)
>>>         ["isoDates"]=>
>>>         bool(true)
>>>         ["sysDate"]=>
>>>         string(9) "CURDATE()"
>>>         ["sysTimeStamp"]=>
>>>         string(5) "NOW()"
>>>         ["hasTransactions"]=>
>>>         bool(false)
>>>         ["forceNewConnect"]=>
>>>         bool(false)
>>>         ["poorAffectedRows"]=>
>>>         bool(true)
>>>         ["clientFlags"]=>
>>>         int(0)
>>>         ["substr"]=>
>>>         string(9) "substring"
>>>         ["nameQuote"]=>
>>>         string(1) "`"
>>>         ["_genIDSQL"]=>
>>>         string(38) "update %s set id=LAST_INSERT_ID(id+1);"
>>>         ["_genSeqSQL"]=>
>>>         string(33) "create table %s (id int not null)"
>>>         ["_genSeq2SQL"]=>
>>>         string(26) "insert into %s values (%s)"
>>>         ["_dropSeqSQL"]=>
>>>         string(13) "drop table %s"
>>>         ["database"]=>
>>>         string(11) "a54091_tiki"
>>>         ["host"]=>
>>>         string(8) "mysql4-a"
>>>         ["user"]=>
>>>         string(8) "a54091rw"
>>>         ["password"]=>
>>>         string(10)  ****************************************** <= I suggest
>>> to change it !!
>>>         ["debug"]=>
>>>         bool(false)
>>>         ["maxblobsize"]=>
>>>         int(262144)
>>>         ["concat_operator"]=>
>>>         string(1) "+"
>>>         ["length"]=>
>>>         string(6) "length"
>>>         ["random"]=>
>>>         string(6) "rand()"
>>>         ["upperCase"]=>
>>>         string(5) "upper"
>>>         ["fmtDate"]=>
>>>         string(7) "'Y-m-d'"
>>>         ["true"]=>
>>>         string(1) "1"
>>>         ["false"]=>
>>>         string(1) "0"
>>>         ["replaceQuote"]=>
>>>         string(2) "\'"
>>>         ["charSet"]=>
>>>         bool(false)
>>>         ["metaDatabasesSQL"]=>
>>>         string(0) ""
>>>         ["uniqueOrderBy"]=>
>>>         bool(false)
>>>         ["emptyDate"]=>
>>>         string(6) " "
>>>         ["emptyTimeStamp"]=>
>>>         string(6) " "
>>>         ["lastInsID"]=>
>>>         bool(false)
>>>         ["hasTop"]=>
>>>         bool(false)
>>>         ["readOnly"]=>
>>>         bool(false)
>>>         ["genID"]=>
>>>         int(0)
>>>         ["raiseErrorFn"]=>
>>>         string(16) "ADODB_Error_PEAR"
>>>         ["cacheSecs"]=>
>>>         int(3600)
>>>         ["arrayClass"]=>
>>>         string(18) "ADORecordSet_array"
>>>         ["noNullStrings"]=>
>>>         bool(false)
>>>         ["numCacheHits"]=>
>>>         int(0)
>>>         ["numCacheMisses"]=>
>>>         int(0)
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>>>         bool(true)
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>>>         bool(false)
>>>         ["leftOuter"]=>
>>>         bool(false)
>>>         ["rightOuter"]=>
>>>         bool(false)
>>>         ["ansiOuter"]=>
>>>         bool(false)
>>>         ["autoRollback"]=>
>>>         bool(false)
>>>         ["fnExecute"]=>
>>>         bool(false)
>>>         ["fnCacheExecute"]=>
>>>         bool(false)
>>>         ["blobEncodeType"]=>
>>>         bool(false)
>>>         ["rsPrefix"]=>
>>>         string(13) "ADORecordSet_"
>>>         ["autoCommit"]=>
>>>         bool(true)
>>>         ["transOff"]=>
>>>         int(0)
>>>         ["transCnt"]=>
>>>         int(0)
>>>         ["fetchMode"]=>
>>>         bool(false)
>>>         ["_oldRaiseFn"]=>
>>>         bool(false)
>>>         ["_transOK"]=>
>>>         NULL
>>>         ["_connectionID"]=>
>>>         resource(16) of type (mysql link)
>>>         ["_errorMsg"]=>
>>>         string(45) "Table 'a54091_tiki.users_users' doesn't exist"
>>>         ["_errorCode"]=>
>>>         bool(false)
>>>         ["_queryID"]=>
>>>         bool(false)
>>>         ["_isPersistentConnection"]=>
>>>         bool(false)
>>>         ["_bindInputArray"]=>
>>>         bool(false)
>>>         ["_evalAll"]=>
>>>         bool(false)
>>>         ["_affected"]=>
>>>         bool(false)
>>>         ["_logsql"]=>
>>>         bool(false)
>>>         ["databaseName"]=>
>>>         string(11) "a54091_tiki"
>>>       }
>>>       ["buffer"]=>
>>>       NULL
>>>       ["flag"]=>
>>>       NULL
>>>       ["parser"]=>
>>>       NULL
>>>       ["pre_handlers"]=>
>>>       array(0) {
>>>       }
>>>       ["pos_handlers"]=>
>>>       array(0) {
>>>       }
>>>       ["num_queries"]=>
>>>       int(0)
>>>     }
>>>     ["type"]=>
>>>     string(2) "->"
>>>     ["args"]=>
>>>     array(1) {
>>>       [0]=>
>>>       &NULL
>>>     }
>>>   }
>>>   [3]=>
>>>   array(7) {
>>>     ["file"]=>
>>>     string(54) "/home/groups/a/am/amsn/htdocs/devwiki/lib/userslib.php"
>>>     ["line"]=>
>>>     int(998)
>>>     ["function"]=>
>>>     string(15) "get_user_groups"
>>>     ["class"]=>
>>>     string(8) "UsersLib"
>>>     ["object"]=>
>>>     object(UsersLib)#6 (10) {
>>>       ["debug"]=>
>>>       bool(false)
>>>       ["usergroups_cache"]=>
>>>       array(0) {
>>>       }
>>>       ["groupperm_cache"]=>
>>>       array(1) {
>>>         [0]=>
>>>         array(0) {
>>>         }
>>>       }
>>>       ["db"]=>
>>>       object(ADODB_mysql)#2 (78) {
>>>         ["databaseType"]=>
>>>         string(5) "mysql"
>>>         ["dataProvider"]=>
>>>         string(5) "mysql"
>>>         ["hasInsertID"]=>
>>>         bool(true)
>>>         ["hasAffectedRows"]=>
>>>         bool(true)
>>>         ["metaTablesSQL"]=>
>>>         string(11) "SHOW TABLES"
>>>         ["metaColumnsSQL"]=>
>>>         string(20) "SHOW COLUMNS FROM %s"
>>>         ["fmtTimeStamp"]=>
>>>         string(13) "'Y-m-d H:i:s'"
>>>         ["hasLimit"]=>
>>>         bool(true)
>>>         ["hasMoveFirst"]=>
>>>         bool(true)
>>>         ["hasGenID"]=>
>>>         bool(true)
>>>         ["isoDates"]=>
>>>         bool(true)
>>>         ["sysDate"]=>
>>>         string(9) "CURDATE()"
>>>         ["sysTimeStamp"]=>
>>>         string(5) "NOW()"
>>>         ["hasTransactions"]=>
>>>         bool(false)
>>>         ["forceNewConnect"]=>
>>>         bool(false)
>>>         ["poorAffectedRows"]=>
>>>         bool(true)
>>>         ["clientFlags"]=>
>>>         int(0)
>>>         ["substr"]=>
>>>         string(9) "substring"
>>>         ["nameQuote"]=>
>>>         string(1) "`"
>>>         ["_genIDSQL"]=>
>>>         string(38) "update %s set id=LAST_INSERT_ID(id+1);"
>>>         ["_genSeqSQL"]=>
>>>         string(33) "create table %s (id int not null)"
>>>         ["_genSeq2SQL"]=>
>>>         string(26) "insert into %s values (%s)"
>>>         ["_dropSeqSQL"]=>
>>>         string(13) "drop table %s"
>>>         ["database"]=>
>>>         string(11) "a54091_tiki"
>>>         ["host"]=>
>>>         string(8) "mysql4-a"
>>>         ["user"]=>
>>>         string(8) "a54091rw"
>>>         ["password"]=>
>>>         string(10)  ****************************************** <= I suggest
>>> to change it !!
>>>         ["debug"]=>
>>>         bool(false)
>>>         ["maxblobsize"]=>
>>>         int(262144)
>>>         ["concat_operator"]=>
>>>         string(1) "+"
>>>         ["length"]=>
>>>         string(6) "length"
>>>         ["random"]=>
>>>         string(6) "rand()"
>>>         ["upperCase"]=>
>>>         string(5) "upper"
>>>         ["fmtDate"]=>
>>>         string(7) "'Y-m-d'"
>>>         ["true"]=>
>>>         string(1) "1"
>>>         ["false"]=>
>>>         string(1) "0"
>>>         ["replaceQuote"]=>
>>>         string(2) "\'"
>>>         ["charSet"]=>
>>>         bool(false)
>>>         ["metaDatabasesSQL"]=>
>>>         string(0) ""
>>>         ["uniqueOrderBy"]=>
>>>         bool(false)
>>>         ["emptyDate"]=>
>>>         string(6) " "
>>>         ["emptyTimeStamp"]=>
>>>         string(6) " "
>>>         ["lastInsID"]=>
>>>         bool(false)
>>>         ["hasTop"]=>
>>>         bool(false)
>>>         ["readOnly"]=>
>>>         bool(false)
>>>         ["genID"]=>
>>>         int(0)
>>>         ["raiseErrorFn"]=>
>>>         string(16) "ADODB_Error_PEAR"
>>>         ["cacheSecs"]=>
>>>         int(3600)
>>>         ["arrayClass"]=>
>>>         string(18) "ADORecordSet_array"
>>>         ["noNullStrings"]=>
>>>         bool(false)
>>>         ["numCacheHits"]=>
>>>         int(0)
>>>         ["numCacheMisses"]=>
>>>         int(0)
>>>         ["pageExecuteCountRows"]=>
>>>         bool(true)
>>>         ["uniqueSort"]=>
>>>         bool(false)
>>>         ["leftOuter"]=>
>>>         bool(false)
>>>         ["rightOuter"]=>
>>>         bool(false)
>>>         ["ansiOuter"]=>
>>>         bool(false)
>>>         ["autoRollback"]=>
>>>         bool(false)
>>>         ["fnExecute"]=>
>>>         bool(false)
>>>         ["fnCacheExecute"]=>
>>>         bool(false)
>>>         ["blobEncodeType"]=>
>>>         bool(false)
>>>         ["rsPrefix"]=>
>>>         string(13) "ADORecordSet_"
>>>         ["autoCommit"]=>
>>>         bool(true)
>>>         ["transOff"]=>
>>>         int(0)
>>>         ["transCnt"]=>
>>>         int(0)
>>>         ["fetchMode"]=>
>>>         bool(false)
>>>         ["_oldRaiseFn"]=>
>>>         bool(false)
>>>         ["_transOK"]=>
>>>         NULL
>>>         ["_connectionID"]=>
>>>         resource(16) of type (mysql link)
>>>         ["_errorMsg"]=>
>>>         string(45) "Table 'a54091_tiki.users_users' doesn't exist"
>>>         ["_errorCode"]=>
>>>         bool(false)
>>>         ["_queryID"]=>
>>>         bool(false)
>>>         ["_isPersistentConnection"]=>
>>>         bool(false)
>>>         ["_bindInputArray"]=>
>>>         bool(false)
>>>         ["_evalAll"]=>
>>>         bool(false)
>>>         ["_affected"]=>
>>>         bool(false)
>>>         ["_logsql"]=>
>>>         bool(false)
>>>         ["databaseName"]=>
>>>         string(11) "a54091_tiki"
>>>       }
>>>       ["buffer"]=>
>>>       NULL
>>>       ["flag"]=>
>>>       NULL
>>>       ["parser"]=>
>>>       NULL
>>>       ["pre_handlers"]=>
>>>       array(0) {
>>>       }
>>>       ["pos_handlers"]=>
>>>       array(0) {
>>>       }
>>>       ["num_queries"]=>
>>>       int(0)
>>>     }
>>>     ["type"]=>
>>>     string(2) "->"
>>>     ["args"]=>
>>>     array(1) {
>>>       [0]=>
>>>       &NULL
>>>     }
>>>   }
>>>   [4]=>
>>>   array(7) {
>>>     ["file"]=>
>>>     string(57) "/home/groups/a/am/amsn/htdocs/devwiki/tiki-setup_base.php"
>>>     ["line"]=>
>>>     int(371)
>>>     ["function"]=>
>>>     string(20) "get_user_permissions"
>>>     ["class"]=>
>>>     string(8) "UsersLib"
>>>     ["object"]=>
>>>     object(UsersLib)#6 (10) {
>>>       ["debug"]=>
>>>       bool(false)
>>>       ["usergroups_cache"]=>
>>>       array(0) {
>>>       }
>>>       ["groupperm_cache"]=>
>>>       array(1) {
>>>         [0]=>
>>>         array(0) {
>>>         }
>>>       }
>>>       ["db"]=>
>>>       object(ADODB_mysql)#2 (78) {
>>>         ["databaseType"]=>
>>>         string(5) "mysql"
>>>         ["dataProvider"]=>
>>>         string(5) "mysql"
>>>         ["hasInsertID"]=>
>>>         bool(true)
>>>         ["hasAffectedRows"]=>
>>>         bool(true)
>>>         ["metaTablesSQL"]=>
>>>         string(11) "SHOW TABLES"
>>>         ["metaColumnsSQL"]=>
>>>         string(20) "SHOW COLUMNS FROM %s"
>>>         ["fmtTimeStamp"]=>
>>>         string(13) "'Y-m-d H:i:s'"
>>>         ["hasLimit"]=>
>>>         bool(true)
>>>         ["hasMoveFirst"]=>
>>>         bool(true)
>>>         ["hasGenID"]=>
>>>         bool(true)
>>>         ["isoDates"]=>
>>>         bool(true)
>>>         ["sysDate"]=>
>>>         string(9) "CURDATE()"
>>>         ["sysTimeStamp"]=>
>>>         string(5) "NOW()"
>>>         ["hasTransactions"]=>
>>>         bool(false)
>>>         ["forceNewConnect"]=>
>>>         bool(false)
>>>         ["poorAffectedRows"]=>
>>>         bool(true)
>>>         ["clientFlags"]=>
>>>         int(0)
>>>         ["substr"]=>
>>>         string(9) "substring"
>>>         ["nameQuote"]=>
>>>         string(1) "`"
>>>         ["_genIDSQL"]=>
>>>         string(38) "update %s set id=LAST_INSERT_ID(id+1);"
>>>         ["_genSeqSQL"]=>
>>>         string(33) "create table %s (id int not null)"
>>>         ["_genSeq2SQL"]=>
>>>         string(26) "insert into %s values (%s)"
>>>         ["_dropSeqSQL"]=>
>>>         string(13) "drop table %s"
>>>         ["database"]=>
>>>         string(11) "a54091_tiki"
>>>         ["host"]=>
>>>         string(8) "mysql4-a"
>>>         ["user"]=>
>>>         string(8) "a54091rw"
>>>         ["password"]=>
>>>         string(10) ****************************************** <= I suggest
>>> to change it !!
>>>         ["debug"]=>
>>>         bool(false)
>>>         ["maxblobsize"]=>
>>>         int(262144)
>>>         ["concat_operator"]=>
>>>         string(1) "+"
>>>         ["length"]=>
>>>         string(6) "length"
>>>         ["random"]=>
>>>         string(6) "rand()"
>>>         ["upperCase"]=>
>>>         string(5) "upper"
>>>         ["fmtDate"]=>
>>>         string(7) "'Y-m-d'"
>>>         ["true"]=>
>>>         string(1) "1"
>>>         ["false"]=>
>>>         string(1) "0"
>>>         ["replaceQuote"]=>
>>>         string(2) "\'"
>>>         ["charSet"]=>
>>>         bool(false)
>>>         ["metaDatabasesSQL"]=>
>>>         string(0) ""
>>>         ["uniqueOrderBy"]=>
>>>         bool(false)
>>>         ["emptyDate"]=>
>>>         string(6) " "
>>>         ["emptyTimeStamp"]=>
>>>         string(6) " "
>>>         ["lastInsID"]=>
>>>         bool(false)
>>>         ["hasTop"]=>
>>>         bool(false)
>>>         ["readOnly"]=>
>>>         bool(false)
>>>         ["genID"]=>
>>>         int(0)
>>>         ["raiseErrorFn"]=>
>>>         string(16) "ADODB_Error_PEAR"
>>>         ["cacheSecs"]=>
>>>         int(3600)
>>>         ["arrayClass"]=>
>>>         string(18) "ADORecordSet_array"
>>>         ["noNullStrings"]=>
>>>         bool(false)
>>>         ["numCacheHits"]=>
>>>         int(0)
>>>         ["numCacheMisses"]=>
>>>         int(0)
>>>         ["pageExecuteCountRows"]=>
>>>         bool(true)
>>>         ["uniqueSort"]=>
>>>         bool(false)
>>>         ["leftOuter"]=>
>>>         bool(false)
>>>         ["rightOuter"]=>
>>>         bool(false)
>>>         ["ansiOuter"]=>
>>>         bool(false)
>>>         ["autoRollback"]=>
>>>         bool(false)
>>>         ["fnExecute"]=>
>>>         bool(false)
>>>         ["fnCacheExecute"]=>
>>>         bool(false)
>>>         ["blobEncodeType"]=>
>>>         bool(false)
>>>         ["rsPrefix"]=>
>>>         string(13) "ADORecordSet_"
>>>         ["autoCommit"]=>
>>>         bool(true)
>>>         ["transOff"]=>
>>>         int(0)
>>>         ["transCnt"]=>
>>>         int(0)
>>>         ["fetchMode"]=>
>>>         bool(false)
>>>         ["_oldRaiseFn"]=>
>>>         bool(false)
>>>         ["_transOK"]=>
>>>         NULL
>>>         ["_connectionID"]=>
>>>         resource(16) of type (mysql link)
>>>         ["_errorMsg"]=>
>>>         string(45) "Table 'a54091_tiki.users_users' doesn't exist"
>>>         ["_errorCode"]=>
>>>         bool(false)
>>>         ["_queryID"]=>
>>>         bool(false)
>>>         ["_isPersistentConnection"]=>
>>>         bool(false)
>>>         ["_bindInputArray"]=>
>>>         bool(false)
>>>         ["_evalAll"]=>
>>>         bool(false)
>>>         ["_affected"]=>
>>>         bool(false)
>>>         ["_logsql"]=>
>>>         bool(false)
>>>         ["databaseName"]=>
>>>         string(11) "a54091_tiki"
>>>       }
>>>       ["buffer"]=>
>>>       NULL
>>>       ["flag"]=>
>>>       NULL
>>>       ["parser"]=>
>>>       NULL
>>>       ["pre_handlers"]=>
>>>       array(0) {
>>>       }
>>>       ["pos_handlers"]=>
>>>       array(0) {
>>>       }
>>>       ["num_queries"]=>
>>>       int(0)
>>>     }
>>>     ["type"]=>
>>>     string(2) "->"
>>>     ["args"]=>
>>>     array(1) {
>>>       [0]=>
>>>       &NULL
>>>     }
>>>   }
>>>   [5]=>
>>>   array(4) {
>>>     ["file"]=>
>>>     string(52) "/home/groups/a/am/amsn/htdocs/devwiki/tiki-setup.php"
>>>     ["line"]=>
>>>     int(219)
>>>     ["args"]=>
>>>     array(1) {
>>>       [0]=>
>>>       string(57) "/home/groups/a/am/amsn/htdocs/devwiki/tiki-setup_base.php"
>>>     }
>>>     ["function"]=>
>>>     string(12) "include_once"
>>>   }
>>>   [6]=>
>>>   array(4) {
>>>     ["file"]=>
>>>     string(52) "/home/groups/a/am/amsn/htdocs/devwiki/tiki-index.php"
>>>     ["line"]=>
>>>     int(10)
>>>     ["args"]=>
>>>     array(1) {
>>>       [0]=>
>>>       string(52) "/home/groups/a/am/amsn/htdocs/devwiki/tiki-setup.php"
>>>     }
>>>     ["function"]=>
>>>     string(12) "require_once"
>>>   }
>>> }
>> --
>> (:===========================================:)
>>  Alvaro J. Iradier Muro - [EMAIL PROTECTED]
>> m

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