> Hi all,
> in the hourly report the last 4 days are shown. is there a way to show the last
> 7,8 or 20 days ???
> Gerit


where n is the number of lines you want. 96 is default, I think, for the last four
days (4x24), and 0 gives all hours in the period. Otherwise put in the valuye for
the number of hosrs you want.

The same thing applies for QUARTER and FIVE reports. I often put in QUARTERROWS 1
as that reports on the busiest period, without giving me all possible periods (many
of which are "no activity".

Is it possible to report on the busiest n periods? It would be useful for me to be
able to report the busiest 10 hourly, or quarter-hourly periods. I'd have thought
you could ask for a report, sorted by, say, traffic, and then report on only the
top ten (or above a threshold) values. Have I just missed something that is
possible with the time reports?


 Wallace Nicoll                          [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 City of Edinburgh Council IT Services,
 Chesser House, 500 Gorgie Road,                Phone : 0131 469 5343
 Edinburgh, EH11 3YJ, Scotland                    Fax : 0131 469 5335

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