I'm currently attempting to run Analog 3.19B on an NT IIS 4 machine.  I
have taken a some what unorthodox method to run Analog.  My ISP doesn't
support Perl files, hence I can't use the CGI script to run Analog.  So
here's what I've done.  I've placed analog.exe, analog.cfg and all the
necessary language files in my cgi-bin.  I then call analog.exe by going
to myhost.com/cgi-bin/analog.exe.  Analog will run and create my output
file in the cgi-bin.  But this brings me to the next problem - viewing
the file!  I can't view an html file in my cgi-bin.

So I changed my output line in my config file to:
OUTFILE e:\InetPub\Clients\myhost.com\stats.htm

Then I go back and run analog.exe and I get the following error:

The specified CGI application misbehaved by not returning a complete set
of HTTP headers. The headers it did return are:

e:\InetPub\Clients\myhost.com\cgi-bin\analog.exe: Fatal error:
  failed to open output file
  e:\InetPub\Clients\myhost.com\stats.htm for writing: exiting
  (For help on all errors and warnings, see docs/errors.html)

Suggestions?  Ideas?

Jeff Longland

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