Dave Stiles <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I sent the following immediately on joining this list and having
> received no resopnse I wondered if it was not actually published. If
> it was, my apologies for the repeat posting but I would appreciate
> any comments and help. Thank you.

Your message was posted to the list - it's in the archive:
http://www.mail-archive.com/[EMAIL PROTECTED]/msg15830.html

> What I need to specify in the script is the LogPath - where the logs
> can be found - not the full LogFile details. I can't easily use the
> full path names in the command line because the log directory is a
> variable under IIS and has an unique number specified by to the
> site's ID. There is a way of specifying this directory name within my
> coding but it's messy.

You can do what you describe by adding some ASP code to your form:
<% LogFileDirectory = "D:\LogFiles\w3svc1" %>
<% sub ListFolderContents(path)
 dim fs, folder, file, item, url
 set fs = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
 set folder = fs.GetFolder(path)
 for each item in folder.Files
  If Right(item.Name,4) = ".log" then
   Response.Write "<option>" & item.Name & "</option>"
  End if
end sub %>


<select size="10" name="LOGFILE" multiple>
 <option selected value="*">All logfiles</option>
 <%Call ListFolderContents(LogFileDirectory)%>

> Pulling the above together, what I propose is:
> 1. A new command LOGPATH to specify ONLY the path. If this command is
> specified anywhere then any and all LOGFILE commands would be
> appended to it as appropriate - they could still include final path
> segments but probably wouldn't. LOGPATH could be a command line
> argument as well as a scripted one.

There are similiar commands for other files that Analog uses (LANGFILE,
DOMAINSFILE, CHARDIR, for example), so LOGPATH wouldn't be entirely out
of place, but the only time it's really useful is with the Form
interface, and there are workarouns for the form interface, so it's not
a pressing issue.

> 2. A mechanism similar to FROM and TO that would specify a range of
> LOGFILE substitutions, similar to the month/year variables but giving
> a range of "names" - eg:
> LOGFILE ex%from.log
> LOGFILE ex%to.log

That really is a job for whatever script is calling Analog. Analog
doesn't make any assumptions about the names of your logfiles, and
shouldn't. Logfiles don't have to include dates in the names.


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