On Fri, 27 Aug 2004, Uriel Wittenberg wrote:

> I know this is not the place to inquire about regular expressions, but I'm
> only trying to tell analog that
> http://www.[anysite]
> is the same as
> http://[anysite]
> Or to be more precise, I want http://[anysite] to be translated to
> http://www.[anysite].

I think you want it the other way round. Otherwise http://www.site.com would
translate to http://www.www.site.com.

And you don't need regular expressions. Just use
  REFALIAS http://www.* http://*

Stephen Turner, Cambridge, UK    http://homepage.ntlworld.com/adelie/stephen/
  "Low Priced Cambridge Clare College. Big selection at eBay UK!"
  (Ad after Google search for Clare College Cambridge)
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