Rogers, Steve I. <> wrote:
> In a previous thread, user Aengus mentioned that "
> you can get a list of all the Users (IP addresses or UserIDs) that
> accessed a single page"
> How would I get that report from Analog?  I turned on the User report
> but I only get a list of Users and the number of requests they made.

When you do 

FILEINCLUDE /page1.html

Analog will create a report ignores everything except requests for that item 
(as long as that's the only include/exclude command), so therefore the HOST 
Report and the USER report will be just about who visited that specific page. 
By the same token, if you do USERINCLUDE Userxxx, the Analog report will ignore 
all log entries except the requests from Userxxx.

This is usually only useful in small doses - you can only create these 
"targetted" reports one at a time, so this is useful for debugging, or tracking 
down a specific issue, rather than for seeing bigger trends.


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