Zourarakis, Demetrio (COT) <demetrio.zourara...@ky.gov> wrote:
> Hi,
> I am doing "after the fact" reporting and have a bunch of daily log
> files dating back 4 years...
> Is there a way to batch the analog execution sequentially so that I
> don't have to manipulate the filenames and make mistakes?
> Any suggestions will be certainly appreciated.

I'm not sure that I understand what you're trying to do. If you just want a 
single report for the activity over the last 4 years, just use LOGFILE *.LOG 
(assuming that you have enough RAM). 

I can't think of any situation where manipulating the name of a logfile is 
needed to achieve something in Analog, (though it's obviously helpful when 
generating historical reports if the name of the logfile gives some indication 
of the time period that they cover). If you want to create daily or monthly 
reports, and your logfile are just names sequentially, (log001.log, log002.log, 
etc), then there's no way withing Analog itself to have Analog create the Jan07 
report, then the Feb07 report, then the Mar07 report, etc.


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