Roman wrote:
> You are missing in the onResume method
> super.onResume();

Not to mention the fact that, since the OP is doing all the TextView
updates in a tight loop, only the last one will wind up having a visual

>>  What I really want to do is to get the sound level in the mic while
>> the program is running, I have the code for that but I don't know how
>> to make it check the sound level periodically.

Option #1: Do it when the user tells you to do it, via a button push or

Option #2: Think long and hard about going with option #1.

Option #3: Use postDelayed() on some widget to set up a periodic task.

Option #4: Honestly, particularly for tying up and listening on a
microphone, I would think the users would want to control the timing of
it, so option #1 really should be the answer.

Option #5: Use TimerTask, as per regular Java.

Option #6: Fork a thread that uses SystemClock.sleep() and a Handler.

Option #7: Use AsyncTask, where you sleep() for a bit in
doInBackground() and check the mic/schedule the next task in

Mark Murphy (a Commons Guy) |

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