Is it caused by you have already create a project called AlarmClock
under your eclipse workspace.
>From my experience that when import another Android project you cannot
put the project into eclipse workspace. It will cause this project.
You can try like this.
Put your project under folder
and try it again.
Hope this can help you.

On Apr 8, 8:13 am, Chi Zhang <> wrote:
> Hello
> I downloaded the sourcecode of the android platform, and when I try to build
> the sourcecode of projects, say, packages/apps/AlarmClock
> I selected creating an Android project using existing code in Eclipse, but I
> encountered the following problem:
> Invalid project description.
>   /home/eshock/android/workspace/AlarmClock overlaps the location of another
> project: 'AlarmClock'
> Any suggestions?
> --
> Sincerely Yours,
> Chi Zhang
> College of Computer Science and Technology, Zhejiang University

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