Hi, i am trying to authenticate a android app using the official java
LinkedIn api library i downloaded. I am able to get the request tokens
and authenticate tokens but i cant seem to dismiss the LinkedIn
authentication web browser and have it returned back to my app along
with saving the authenticated token. I have followed an example of how
to do this here http://donpark.org/blog/2009/01/24/android-client-side-oauth
which states how i have to create a protocol url in an activities
intent filter and use that as the callback url for authentication in

i have done that and so far when i have finished authenticating it by
entering my password and username of my LinkedIn account, it then
displays the Oauth token along with a button called "close" i click on
this and nothing happens. the website screen is still displayed and
never closes.

Thanks in advance and hope someone can help me. The api im using is
this: http://code.google.com/p/linkedin-j/wiki/OAuthFlow

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