I have a dialog window that covers 1/3 of the entire screen height and is displayed on top of my activity. The dialog holds two AutoCompleteTextView fields.

The problem I'm facing is that when the user starts typing something into the AutoCompleteTextView, the list with all suggestions only shows up to the bottom end of the dialog, but doesn't go beyond that even the list is longer. It looks like it's cut off. (screenshot left)

Only after I long-press an item from the suggestion list, the list will be shown in full length. (screenshot right)

Screenhot is at: http://img704.imageshack.us/i/dialogdropdown.png/

How to fix this behaviour so that the list shows in full length right from the beginning, when the user starts typing something?

Code-wise there's nothing special, all I do is:

ArrayAdapter<String> adapter = new ArrayAdapter<String>(this.getContext(), R.layout.nav_route_autocomplete_row, locStrings); AutoCompleteTextView txtStartPos = (AutoCompleteTextView) findViewById(R.id.txtStartPos);

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