
I have a bitmap "picPrev" which I got from my online server. I want to
turn it into a file so I can send it.
I was exploring this method:

try {
   FileOutputStream fos = super.openFileOutput("output.jpg",

   picPrev.compress(CompressFormat.JPEG, 75, fos);

   } catch (Exception e) {
   Log.e("MyLog", e.toString());

But the  FileOutputStream fos = super.openFileOutput("output.jpg",
MODE_WORLD_READABLE); command is not working...

Is there anyway to convert a bitmap to stream ?
Or any other way to create a New File from a Bitmap ?
I also have the opportunity to use the URL on which the file is
placed. Maybe an HTTP connection to a php file that will return a
header with the file location? Can "new File" use that location url?

Please give me some feedback on this. I could really use some help.

Thank you very much

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