On Sun, Oct 31, 2010 at 3:01 PM, longingtoadopt.com <anil.r...@gmail.com>wrote:

> Thanks for your reply...
> If you look at the code, I did specify the action in both the Intent
> and the Intent filter: ALERT_ME_ACTION
> Correct me if I am mistaken but it is intuitive to expect that if the
> Actions match then that should be the overriding consideration. It is
> analogous to a message or a method call.
> If the name of the method matches, then the case "no data" is also
> valid and handled by the same method.

Whether or not it is intuitive, this is the way it works.  If you want an
analogy to a method call, consider this to be overloading.  A method call
ACTION_SOMETHING with argument "content://foo" is a different method than
ACTION_SOMETHING with no argument.

> Yes, the data is a Uri
> Here is the value I was using: "content://com.iovercomer/alerts/99"
> I meant that in the line
>                 Intent inte = registerReceiver(receiver, new
> IntentFilter(ALERT_ME_ACTION));
> If I am now instead trying to specify
> public IntentFilter (String action, String dataType)
> http://developer.android.com/reference/android/content/IntentFilter.html#IntentFilter%28java.lang.String,%20java.lang.String%29
> the MIME type is specified as a String. if it is to be lower case,
> what would I use to pass in?

If you don't have a MIME type, don't use anything.

Let's back up...  *why* are you doing this?  Unless you need intent
resolution to interact with other applications, my first suggestion would be
to simply not use it.

I also see a red flag in that you are talking about what looks like alarms
but using registerReceiver().  Generally you wouldn't use these two together
-- the only reason to use an alarm is to allow your application to execute
at the time even if it is not currently running.  Using registerReceiver()
means that your application needs to be actively running with the
registration to receive the broadcast.  Generally it just doesn't make sense
to mix both of these.  If you are doing an alarm, usually the PendingIntent
you create is an explicit Intent set to the ComponentName of a receiver
component declared in your manifest.  For that case, you don't need an
intent-filter at all, and in fact anything you specify for it will be
ignored (since you have already specified the exact component you want to
receive it).

> Diahn Hackborn mentioned that the data part is used to distinguish
> PendingIntents.
>  Since I am using PendingIntent.FLAG_UPDATE_CURRENT, I want the
> PendingIntent associated with
> "content://com.iovercomer/alerts/99" to be different from the
> PendingIntent for
> "content://com.iovercomer/alerts/100"
> Hence I am not simply passing it in as an extra in the Bundle.

Explicitly specify the component to receive the intent.  Or if you *really*
need to have matching done to send to a registerReceiver(), register with an
IntentFilter matching scheme "content" and authority "com.iovercomer".  But
I suspect that is not actually what you want.

Dianne Hackborn
Android framework engineer

Note: please don't send private questions to me, as I don't have time to
provide private support, and so won't reply to such e-mails.  All such
questions should be posted on public forums, where I and others can see and
answer them.

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