Due to the Android security model, MediaPlayer does not have root
access rights. It can access the sdcard, but it can't access private
app directories.

Your app can explicitly grant MediaPlayer temporary access to secure
files by opening the file and passing the file descriptor to
MediaPlayer using the setDataSource(FileDescriptor fd) method.

On Nov 4, 10:36 pm, pa018 <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Code first:
>                 InputStream is = ;//some mixed audio
>                 byte buf[] = new byte[1024];
>                 System.out.println(tempDir.getAbsolutePath());
>                 File temp = File.createTempFile("aaa", ".mp3", 
> this.getCacheDir());
>                 FileOutputStream out = new FileOutputStream(temp);
>                 do {
>                         int numread = is.read(buf);
>                         if (numread <= 0)
>                                 break;
>                         out.write(buf, 0, numread);
>                 } while (true);
>                 out.flush();
>                 out.close();
>                 MediaPlayer mp = new MediaPlayer();
>                 mp.setDataSource(temp.getAbsolutePath());
>                 mp.prepare();
>                 mp.start();
>     I want to make some audio fragments to one audio file, and
> MediaPlayer could not play with byte or stream, so I have to use
> tempfile.
>     upper code would: 11-05 05:47:37.512: WARN/System.err(3934):
> java.io.IOException: Prepare failed.: status=0xFFFFFFFC.
>     But, if I copy the temp file aaa.mp3 out by File Explore, and copy
> it into cache directory, the aaa.mp3 could be played.
>     The temp file created by app in linux is : -rw------- app_18
> app_18  2868352 2008-11-05 03:54 aaa13710.mp3
>     The file copyed into cache is : -rw-rw-rw- root     root
> 2868352 2008-11-05 04:20 aaa13710.mp3
>     The fiile copyed into sdcard is:----rw-rw- system   system
> 2868352 2008-11-05 05:12 aaa13710.mp3
>    so, I guess MediaPlayer play audio files with root account.
> Although creating temp file into sdcard is one solution, but i don't
> think it is a good method for slow efficiency. MediaPlay should be
> able to play with stream or byte, and it is a strange thing that I
> could create an audio file but play it.
>     I saw other developers post this error, google wishes developer
> create temp files into sdcard, in fact, creating temp file into sdcard
> cann't solve anything.
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