This is correct,you need to let the user being able to relink your

But it usually means that you are using dynamic linking ( such as dll
or jar on classic java programs ).
Linking with .jar on Android is done at compilation time : in a
dezipped .apk, there is no more separated jars, so you can't relink

If you know a way to do it, I would like to try it !

Can you tell me how to relink "Losing your marbles" with my own
version of the engine ?


Ps: by the way I tried you game : it's nice but I think the difficulty
slope is too big : I'm stucked in the third level !
And you should give the option to remove the vibration...

On Dec 12, 6:43 am, Peter Eastman <> wrote:
> It doesn't require you to release your source code.  It just requires
> that you provide your application "as object code and/or source code,
> so that the user can modify the Library and then relink to produce a
> modified executable containing the modified Library."  (That quote is
> from section 6a of version 2.1 of the license.)  Relinking of compiled
> java code is easy to do.  The only real restriction is that, if you
> run your code through an obfuscator, your have to leave the Gamine
> classes unobfuscated.
> Peter

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