Did you try fetching the scale that will allow you to convert from DPI
to actual screen pixels?  I found this very reliable:

     final scale =

Then multiply scale by one inch of pixels in DPI resolution (depending
on the screen you're on) - 120, 160, 240, 320.

This API call ...

     int densityDpi =

will tell you the density of the screen you're on.  See
for more information.

So, this will tell you how many screen pixels equate to an inch.  Then
you can use that to lay out your ruler markings:
     int pxPerInch = 340; // default value - note it's a new density
in API version 9.

          case DisplayMetrics.DENSITY_LOW:
                      pxPerInch = 120 * scale;
          case DisplayMetrics.DENSITY_MEDIUM:
                      pxPerInch = 160 * scale;
          case DisplayMetrics.DENSITY_HIGH:
                      pxPerInch = 240 * scale;

I haven't tested that but it, or some derivation of this should tell
you how many screen pixels comprise one inch on the screen.

Reference: http://developer.android.com/guide/practices/screens_support.html


On Jan 12, 10:38 am, Phil Endecott <spam_from_goo...@chezphil.org>
> > > Note that some devices don't correctly report actual resolution (xdpi /
> > > ydpi).
> > Does "some devices" include anything that I care about?  How wrong is
> > the value?
> Answering my own question: yes, it is wrong on my Motorola Defy, which
> returns 96.  Googling tells me it is wrong on quite a lot of devices
> from Motorola.  Aaarrgghhhh.
> So: is the value 96 that I see a sentinel that I can use to detect
> this bug?  I.e. do all/most devices with this bug return 96?  If so,
> I'll trap 96 and substitute something else, e.g.
> DisplayMetrics.displayDpi(), which I trust is more reliable.  If 96 is
> not the only wrong answer, can anyone suggest some other way to detect
> a bogus value here?
> Thanks,  Phil.

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