Hi everyone,

I have a menu in my game which currently has only a New Game option. I
want it to have another option Reset Score. I wrote some code for it
but it fails to work.

My current code is:

     public boolean onCreateOptionsMenu(Menu menu) {
                MenuItem ng = menu.add("New Game");
                MenuItem rs = menu.add("reset Scores");
          return true;

     public boolean onOptionsngSelected(MenuItem ng) {
          return true;

     public boolean onOptionsrsSelected(MenuItem rs){
         wins = 0;
         draws = 0;
         loses = 0;
         won.setText("Won: " + wins);
         lost.setText("Lost: " + loses);
         drawn.setText("Drawn: " + draws);
         return true;

This code compiles perfectly but when I run it on my phone none of the
menu items work when clicked.

does anyone have any idea as to why my code does not work?

Raghav Sood

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