When I activate the mipmaping on uncompressed texture, all is working 

When I do it on ETC1 texture, the texture is blank, certainly because the 
complete set of mipmaps was not given.

The code is very simple and works on iPhone (with PVR compression, of 

It doesn't work on Android. The mipmap was build with an external tool on 
PC, and past together.
I stop making mipmap at the size of 4, because glCompressedTexImage2D return 
an opengl error if I try to use lower sizes.
Here is the code I use (and works well on iPhone !!)
 for(u32 i=0; i<=levels; i++) 
        size = KC_TexByte(pagex, pagey, tex_type);         // return the 
size in byte of a such texture (type = GL_ETC1_RGB8_OES)
        glCompressedTexImage2D(GL_TEXTURE_2D, i, type, pagex, pagey, 0, size
, ptr); 
        pagex = MAX(pagex/2, 4); 
        pagey = MAX(pagey/2, 4);  
        ptr += size;     
        KC_Error();    // test openGL error 

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