in my app i have a listview and if i click on item so i start new
activity by intent to show details of an item. i would like to do it
that it will be possible scrolling in detail activity. there i
implement GestureDetectr.OnGestureListener and when i scroll from
right to left i would like to see detail window of next item from list
activity. And my question is what is the best practise? should I start
new activity by intent? or when i start detail activity fo the first
time should i create somethink like view flipper of eg 18 items from
listview and in the detail activity flipping the views? what is the
trick how can i code my app to interact with user by scrolling from
side to side. not from top to botton.
and how is the best way how to implement it because count of item
could be 20 and more and every detail view for each item should
contains probably 20 textviews.

thank you very much for each advice

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