
i wrote a simple android app that is auto reply.
i want this to happen only once:
device #1 -> send sms -> device#2
device#1 <- auto reply text <- device#2

the problem is that instead of answering with SMS only once, there's a loop
that never ends of replying SMS to the device that sent the first message.

how can i handle it or tell it to stop after once?
is there an event i need to keep my mind on? a code i need to add that close
this thing? a flag or attribute i need to change?

in the activity i only show hello world text.
i have another file with BroadcastReceiver that gets the incoming SMS:
public class SMSReceiver extends BroadcastReceiver
and my relevant code is in the OnReceive() method:
SmsManager sms = SmsManager.getDefault();
sms.sendTextMessage(sender, null, answer, null, null);


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